首页> 外文期刊>Summa Phytopathologica >Diversidade genética entre linhagens de mamoeiro e sua correla??o com heterose em híbridos para resistência à doen?a e características morfoagron?micas

Diversidade genética entre linhagens de mamoeiro e sua correla??o com heterose em híbridos para resistência à doen?a e características morfoagron?micas




This study aimed to verify if the genetic divergence between papaya lines, obtained by means of molecular markers, is correlated with heterosis in the hybrids for characteristics related to production, fruit quality and disease resistance. Eight parents and 56 hybrids obtained from diallel crosses were evaluated in randomized blocks, with four replicates. The number of commercial fruits (NCF), the average fruit weight (AFW), the productivity (PROD), the fruit firmness (FIRM) and the total soluble solids (TSS) were evaluated, as well as the severity of black spot on leaves (BSS) and fruits (BSSFr), phoma spot (PSS) and powdery mildew on leaves (PMS). Correlations were estimated between genetic divergence, obtained based on SSR, and heterosis, estimated for each characteristic in four possibilities of crossings within the diallel: i) all crossings; ii) between parents of the ‘Solo’ group; iii) between parents of the ‘Formosa’ group; and iv) between parents of ‘Solo’ with ‘Formosa’ group and ‘Formosa’ with ‘Solo’ group. Results indicate the possibility of exploring heterosis both in crossings between groups and in crossings within groups. The low magnitude of the estimates of correlation between heterosis and morphological characteristics of the hybrids with genetic distance obtained by SSR in the parents indicates that the behavior of hybrids cannot be inferred based on the genetic divergence between parents.
机译:这项研究旨在验证通过分子标记获得的木瓜品系之间的遗传差异是否与杂种的杂种优势相关,这些杂种具有与产量,果实品质和抗病性有关的特征。在随机区组中评估了八种亲本和从二代杂交获得的56种杂种,重复四次。评估了商品水果的数量(NCF),平均水果重量(AFW),生产率(PROD),水果硬度(FIRM)和总可溶性固形物(TSS)以及叶子上黑斑的严重程度(BSS)和水果(BSSFr),噬菌斑(PSS)和叶片上的白粉病(PMS)。估计了基于SSR获得的遗传差异与杂种优势之间的相关性,杂种优势是针对每个特征在Diallel中发生杂交的四种可能性进行估算的:i)所有杂交; ii)在“独奏”组的父母之间; iii)“福摩萨”团体的父母之间; iv)属于“ Formosa”组的“ Solo”父母与具有“ Solo”组的“ Formosa”父母之间。结果表明,在群体之间的杂交和群体内部的杂交中探索杂种优势的可能性。 SSR在亲本中获得的具有遗传距离的杂种的杂种优势和形态特征之间的相关性估计值较低,表明不能基于亲本之间的遗传差异来推断杂种的行为。



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