首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >Fe?dor Dostoevskij interpretato da Tat’jana Rozental’. Un’anticipazione di Freud

Fe?dor Dostoevskij interpretato da Tat’jana Rozental’. Un’anticipazione di Freud

机译:Fe?Dor Dostoevskij由Tat’jana Rozental饰演。对弗洛伊德的期待



Tat’jana Rozental’s essay on Dostoevsky’s creativity, shows how strong the interplay between art, literature and psychoanalysis was in Russia at the beginning of the xx century. The rapid diffusion of Freudian method is not only due to the peculiarities of Russian culture, which was ready to embrace the new psychoanalytic discourse, but also to the fact that Russian psychoanalysts turn to literature to spread their ideas. Rozental’s article (likewise many other works of early Russian psy-choanalysts) suggests that the literary centrism of Russian culture may have served as a vehicle for the rapid spread of Freud’s new discipline in Russia. Besides, Rozental’s essay suggests a possible influence that she may have exercised on Freud’s Dostoevsky and Parricide. Studying the interplay between Dostoevsky’s literary work and his own disease she attempts to classify the writer’s illness as “hystero-epilepsy” (and not organic epilepsy), thereby anticipating Freud’s own hypothesis.
机译:Tat’jana Rozental关于陀思妥耶夫斯基的创造力的文章表明,在20世纪初,艺术,文学与精神分析之间的相互作用在俄罗斯是多么强大。弗洛伊德主义方法的迅速传播,不仅是由于俄罗斯文化的特殊性,它已经准备好接受新的精神分析学话语,而且还因为俄罗斯的心理分析家转向文学来传播其思想。罗岑塔尔(Rozental)的文章(以及其他许多早期的俄罗斯心理学家的著作)也表明,俄罗斯文化的文学中心主义可能是弗洛伊德的新学科在俄罗斯迅速传播的媒介。此外,罗岑塔尔(Rozental)的文章还暗示了她可能会对弗洛伊德的陀思妥耶夫斯基和杀人事件产生影响。在研究陀思妥耶夫斯基的文学作品和他自己的疾病之间的相互作用时,她试图将作家的疾病归类为“子宫癫痫病”(而不是器质性癫痫病),从而预见了弗洛伊德自己的假说。



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