首页> 外文期刊>Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy >Alcohol-related brief intervention in patients treated for opiate or cocaine dependence: a randomized controlled study

Alcohol-related brief intervention in patients treated for opiate or cocaine dependence: a randomized controlled study




Background Despite the importance of heavy drinking and alcohol dependence among patients with opiate and cocaine dependence, few studies have evaluated specific interventions within this group. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of screening with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and of brief intervention (BI) on alcohol use in a sample of patients treated for opioid or cocaine dependence in a specialized outpatient clinic. Methods Adult outpatients treated for opioid or cocaine dependence in Switzerland were screened for excessive alcohol drinking and dependence with the AUDIT. Patients with AUDIT scores that indicated excessive drinking or dependence were randomized into two groups--treatment as usual or treatment as usual together with BI--and assessed at 3 months and 9 months. Results Findings revealed a high rate (44%) of problematic alcohol use (excessive drinking and dependence) among patients with opiate and cocaine dependence. The number of drinks per week decreased significantly between T0 (inclusion) and T3 (month 3). A decrease in average AUDIT scores was observed between T0 and T3 and between T0 and T9 (month 9). No statistically significant difference between treatment groups was observed. Conclusions In a substance abuse specialized setting, screening for alcohol use with the AUDIT, followed by feedback on the score, and use of alcohol BI are both possibly useful strategies to induce changes in problematic alcohol use. Definitive conclusions cannot, however, be drawn from the study because of limitations such as lack of a naturalistic group. An important result of the study is the excellent internal consistency of AUDIT in a population treated for opiate or cocaine dependence.
机译:背景尽管鸦片和可卡因依赖患者中大量饮酒和酒精依赖很重要,但很少有研究评估该组中的特定干预措施。本研究的目的是评估在专科门诊接受过阿片类药物或可卡因依赖治疗的患者样本中,进行酒精使用障碍识别测试(AUDIT)筛查和短暂干预(BI)对酒精使用的影响。方法对在瑞士接受过阿片类药物或可卡因依赖治疗的成人门诊患者进行过量饮酒和AUDIT依赖检查。 AUDIT得分表明饮酒过量或依赖的患者被随机分为两组-常规治疗或常规治疗与BI结合-分别在3个月和9个月进行评估。结果发现表明,鸦片和可卡因依赖患者中有问题的酒精使用率很高(过度饮酒和依赖)。在T0(包含)和T3(第3个月)之间,每周的饮料数量显着减少。在T0和T3之间以及T0和T9之间(第9个月),平均AUDIT得分有所下降。在治疗组之间没有观察到统计学上的显着差异。结论在专门针对药物滥用的环境中,使用AUDIT进行酒精使用筛查,然后评分反馈,以及使用酒精BI都是可能引起诱人酒精使用变化的有用策略。但是,由于缺乏自然主义群体等限制,无法从研究中得出明确的结论。该研究的重要结果是,在接受鸦片或可卡因依赖性治疗的人群中,AUDIT具有出色的内部一致性。



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