首页> 外文期刊>Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology >Tonsillar hypertrophy implications in sleep disorders in adults and children

Tonsillar hypertrophy implications in sleep disorders in adults and children




Introduction: The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is the most common sleep disorder. It covers a multitude of symptoms associated with apnea. Next to polysomnography, otorhinolaryngological clinical examination plays an important role in establishing the diagnosis, in evaluating any oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal modification. Patients and Methods: In this research, we intend to demonstrate the histopathological examination importance in establishing the tonsillar hypertrophy degree. This is made in direct correlation with its volume, and the sleep apnea degree. In this context, we have conducted a retrospective study between 2007-2012 on a group of 69 patients diagnosed by polysomnography with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). In the research, otorhinolaryngological examination was supplemented with histopathological examination of the parts collected after the surgery. Results: It has been demonstrated that the size, volume of the tonsil can be directly correlated with the severity of sleep apnea. The term tonsil hypertrophy is a histopathological one, with or without macroscopic implications. A specificity of tonsil enlargement without the narrowing of the oropharyngeal isthmus was demonstrated. This was in all groups of obstructive apnea, even in snoring patients with normal apnea-hypopnea index values, with a non-significant statistical correlation. Conclusions: The use of multiple indices in the classification of OSA severity is an important advantage. Therefore, it can be proved that there is no singular structure to induce the disorder, but the cause is rather a combination of several elements. The polysomnographic examination remains the golden standard for assessing in patients with OSA.



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