首页> 外文期刊>Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology >IL-8, IL-8RA (CXCR1) and IL-8RB (CXCR2) expression in pilomatricoma

IL-8, IL-8RA (CXCR1) and IL-8RB (CXCR2) expression in pilomatricoma




Pilomatricoma is a rare benign tumor of the hair follicle matrix cells, which associates during its evolution a foreign body-like inflammatory process. We have investigated three such tumors, two of them displaying a rather poor stroma, while the third was distinctive due to its stroma and large numbers of inflammatory cells infiltrating the tumor. The analysis of IL-8 (interleukin-8), CXCR1 (IL-8RA - IL-8 receptor alpha) and CXCR2 (IL-8RB - IL-8 receptor beta) expression showed that these molecules are present not only in many different types of inflammatory and endothelial cells, but also in several tumor basaloid, transitional and even few ghost cells. Taking into consideration the roles played by IL-8 and its two receptors, CXCR1 and CXCR2, this pattern of expression offers some insights on the potential roles of these molecules in tumor survival, cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Furthermore, given the expression of IL-1 (interleukin-1) and TNF (tumor necrosis factor) receptors by the tumor cells, IL-8 production by such cells might be under the control of these pro-inflammatory cytokines.



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