首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Tractografía de la vía dento-rubro-talámica en mutismo cerebeloso postoperatorio en ni?os con tumores de fosa posterior

Tractografía de la vía dento-rubro-talámica en mutismo cerebeloso postoperatorio en ni?os con tumores de fosa posterior




Introduction: Cerebellar mutism syndrome refers to the muteness (lack of speech) that follows lesions of the cerebellum. It’s characterized by a late onset, limited duration, and in some caseslong-term language sequelae. Its pathogenesis it s not clear yet, but it has been attributed a roleto a damage of the dentate nucleus and of the dento-rubro-thalamic tract. Objectives: Identifypotential risk factors (clinical or anatomical) to predict the onset of cerebellar mutism afterposterior fossa surgery Compare, using MRI analysis and DTI tractography, the integrity of thedento-rubro-thalamic tract in patients with and without cerebellar mutism. Methods: Prospectivefollow up study of patients operated of posterior fossa tumors between November 2012 and2013. We performed a study with DTI of the dento rubro thalamic tract in pacients with andwithout postoperative mutism. Results: 53 patients under the diagnosis of posterior fossa tumorunderwent surgical resection. 5 pacients presented postoperative mutism (9,4%). There was asignificant association between postoperative medulloblastoma diagnosis and postoperativemutism. Tumor volume was not significant. The volume of left and right dento rubro thalamictract were significantly lower in patients with cerebellar mutism. The fractional anisotropy ofthe right superior cerebellar peduncle was also lower in patients with postoperative mutism.Conclusions: The postoperative cerebellar mutism is a relevant complication after a posteriorfossa surgery. Our study supports the role of dento rubro thalamic tract damage in the pathogenesisof this syndrome. Special care must be taken during surgery to prevent damage to this tract.
机译:简介:小脑默症候群是指小脑病变后出现的mute默(言语不清)。它的特点是起病晚,持续时间有限,在某些情况下还存在长期的语言后遗症。目前尚不清楚其发病机理,但已将其归因于齿状核和牙龈-丘脑-丘脑束的损伤。目的:确定潜在的危险因素(临床或解剖学),以预测后颅窝手术后小脑变的发生。使用MRI分析和DTI MRI,比较有无小脑变的患者的颈-丘脑-丘脑道的完整性。方法:对2012年11月至2013年间后颅窝手术的患者进行前瞻性随访研究。我们对有或没有术后行的患者进行了DTI牙本质丘脑束的DTI研究。结果:53例诊断为颅后窝肿瘤的患者接受了手术切除。 5名患者进行了术后默症(9,4%)。术后髓母细胞瘤诊断与术后mut变之间存在显着关联。肿瘤体积不明显。小脑mut默症患者的左,右牙本质丘脑容积明显降低。术后突患者右上小脑梗的分数各向异性也较低。结论:后颅窝手术后小脑畸形是一种相关并发症。我们的研究支持在该综合征的发病机理中牙本质红斑丘脑束损伤的作用。手术期间必须格外小心,以防止损坏该管道。



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