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Field Evaluation of vaccines against Respiratory viral disease in chickens




In modern poultry industry, vaccination is the backbone for prevention of avian respiratory viruses parallel with strict hygienic measures such as good ventilation, proper stocking density, hygienic disposal of carcasses, and control of ammonia gas. Vaccination regimen against these viruses vary from one to another as it was found that in Avian Influenza it could be prevented by only inactivated vaccines against subtype specific strain. On the other hand in case of Infectious Laryngotracchitis, only live vaccine is used and immune response produced mainly cellular immunity, while in case of Infectious Bronchitis it depends mainly on Protect-type phenomena taken in consedration the recommendation of using of different vaccinal strains start with classical parent one. In Newcastle disease, we depend on both live and inactivated vaccines parallel with serological monitoring using Haemagglutination Inhibition test for choose proper time of vaccination. Reo virus vaccine was used only in breeders with four times doses two live and two inactivated vaccinal doses. In case of swollen head syndrome; vaccinations occurs only in breeders with two doses one live for priming followed by second inactivated one together with good hygienic measures. Field evaluation of viral respiratory vaccine is a field mirror for either vaccination success or failure which reflects on bird survival. Moreover vaccination success depend on different factors including type of vaccine used, route of application, age of bird, time of application, concomitant disease condition as well as type of production. Viral respiratory diseases cause severe economic losses among poultry industry and strict vaccination regimen should be applied in order to prevent infection.
机译:在现代家禽业中,接种疫苗是预防禽呼吸道病毒的基础,同时要采取严格的卫生措施,例如良好的通风,适当的放养密度,屠体的卫生处置以及控制氨气。针对这些病毒的疫苗接种方案因人而异,因为发现在禽流感中,只有针对亚型特异性菌株的灭活疫苗才能预防。另一方面,在感染性喉淋巴结炎的情况下,仅使用活疫苗,免疫应答主要产生细胞免疫,而在感染性支气管炎的情况下,主要取决于保护性现象,因此建议使用不同的疫苗株古典父母之一。在纽卡斯尔病中,我们同时依赖活疫苗和灭活疫苗,并使用血凝抑制试验进行血清学监测,以选择合适的疫苗接种时间。呼肠孤病毒疫苗仅用于育种者,接种剂量为四倍,两次为活疫苗,两次为灭活疫苗。如果出现头部综合症;接种仅发生在有两剂的种猪中,一剂活用于引发,然后第二剂灭活,同时具有良好的卫生措施。 病毒性呼吸道疫苗的现场评估是疫苗成功与否的现场镜子,反映了鸟类的存活。此外,疫苗接种成功与否取决于不同的因素,包括所用疫苗的类型,施用途径,禽鸟的年龄,施用时间,伴随的疾病状况以及生产类型。病毒性呼吸道疾病会给家禽业造成严重的经济损失,应采取严格的疫苗接种方案以防止感染。



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