首页> 外文期刊>South African medical journal = >Seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen among pregnant women attending the Hospital for Women & Children in Koutiala, Mali

Seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen among pregnant women attending the Hospital for Women & Children in Koutiala, Mali




OBJECTIVES: To establish the rate of seroprevalence of the hepatitis B surface antigen in pregnant women in south-eastern Mali, and to decrease mother-to-child transmission. METHODS: In a descriptive cross-sectional comparison study, 3 659 pregnant women attending a non-governmental hospital in Koutiala, Mali, during 2008 and 2009 were screened for the hepatitis B surface antigen during antenatal clinic attendance or when admitted for delivery. A chart review compared the hepatitis B virus (HBV)-positive women to HBV-negative women used as controls to identify potential risk factors for HBsAg positivity. The variables compared were age, parity, type of genital excision, birthweight of baby and HIV status. RESULTS: A total of 293 (8.0%) pregnant women tested positive for HBsAg. Their average age was 27.6 years, average parity of 2.8 births, 90% had Type 2 genital excision, 21% had low-birthweight infants, and 14 (0.4%) women also tested positive for HIV. Infants born to HbsAg-positive women were immunised with the hepatitis B vaccine in the delivery room. Two hundred and eighty-four HBVnegative women were compared with the HBV-positive women. None of the differences of means or relationships was statistically insignificant. CONCLUSION: In view of the high endemicity and lack of easily identifiable risk factors, free maternal HBV screening should be provided to all women in Mali, and the infants born to HBsAgpositive women should be immunised within 12 hours of birth.
机译:目的:确定马里东南部孕妇乙型肝炎表面抗原的血清阳性率,并减少母婴传播。方法:在一项描述性横断面比较研究中,对2008年至2009年期间在马里科蒂亚拉市一家非政府医院就诊的3659名孕妇进行了产前门诊就诊或入院时的乙肝表面抗原筛查。图表回顾比较了乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)阳性妇女和HBV阴性妇女作为对照,以鉴定潜在的HBsAg阳性危险因素。比较的变量是年龄,胎次,生殖器切除类型,婴儿出生体重和艾滋病毒状况。结果:共有293名(8.0%)孕妇的HBsAg检测呈阳性。他们的平均年龄为27.6岁,平均胎龄为2.8例,其中90%接受了2型生殖器切除术,21%的低体重婴儿以及14名(0.4%)妇女的HIV呈阳性。 HbsAg阳性妇女出生的婴儿在分娩室中接种了乙型肝炎疫苗。将284例HBV阴性女性与HBV阳性女性进行比较。均值或关系的差异在统计学上均无统计学意义。结论:鉴于高流行性和缺乏容易识别的危险因素,应向马里的所有妇女提供免费的孕产妇HBV筛查,HBsAg阳性妇女的婴儿应在出生后12小时内进行免疫。



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