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South African tobacco smoking cessation clinical practice guideline




Tobacco smoking (i.e. cigarettes, rolled tobacco, pipes, etc.) is associated with significant health risks, reduced life expectancy and negative personal and societal economic impact. Smokers have an increased risk of cancer (i.e. lung, throat, bladder), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), tuberculosis and cardiovascular disease (i.e. stroke, heart attack). Smoking affects unborn babies, children and others exposed to second hand smoke. Stopping or 'quitting' is not easy. Nicotine is highly addictive and smoking is frequently associated with social activities (e.g. drinking, eating) or psychological factors (e.g. work pressure, concerns about body weight, anxiety or depressed mood). The benefits of quitting, however, are almost immediate, with a rapid lowering of blood pressure and heart rate, improved taste and smell, and a longer-term reduction in risk of cancer, heart attack and COPD. Successful quitting requires attention to both the factors surrounding why an individual smokes (e.g. stress, depression, habit, etc.) and the symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal. Many smokers are not ready or willing to quit and require frequent motivational input outlining the benefits that would accrue. In addition to an evaluation of nicotine dependence, co-existent medical or psychiatric conditions and barriers to quitting should be identified. A tailored approach encompassing psychological and social support, in addition to appropriate medication to reduce nicotine withdrawal, is likely to provide the best chance of success. Relapse is not uncommon and reasons for failure should be addressed in a positive manner and further attempts initiated when the individual is ready. Key steps in smoking cessation include: (i) identifying all smokers, alerting them to the harms of smoking and benefits of quitting; (ii) assessing readiness to initiate an attempt to quit; (iii) assessing the physical and psychological dependence to nicotine and smoking; (iv) determining the best combination of counselling/support and pharmacological therapy; (v) setting a quit date and provide suitable resources and support; (vi) frequent follow-up as often as possible via text/telephone or in person; (vii) monitoring for side-effects, relapse and on-going cessation; and (viii) if relapse occurs, providing the necessary support and encourage a further attempt when appropriate.
机译:吸烟(即香烟,卷烟,烟斗等)与重大健康风险,预期寿命缩短以及负面的个人和社会经济影响相关。吸烟者罹患癌症(例如肺,喉,膀胱),慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD),肺结核和心血管疾病(例如中风,心脏病)的风险增加。吸烟会影响未出生的婴儿,儿童和其他接触二手烟的人。停止或“退出”并不容易。尼古丁具有高度的成瘾性,吸烟经常与社交活动(例如饮酒,饮食)或心理因素(例如工作压力,对体重的关注,焦虑或情绪低落)相关​​。但是,戒烟的好处几乎是立竿见影的,它可以迅速降低血压和心率,改善味觉和嗅觉,并可以长期降低罹患癌症,心脏病和COPD的风险。成功戒烟需要同时关注个人吸烟的周围因素(例如压力,抑郁,习惯等)以及与尼古丁戒断相关的症状。许多吸烟者还没有准备好或不愿意戒烟,因此需要频繁的动机输入来概述可能产生的好处。除了评估尼古丁依赖性外,还应确定并存的医学或精神病学状况以及戒烟障碍。除了减少尼古丁戒断的适当药物外,一种涵盖心理和社会支持的量身定制的方法可能会提供最大的成功机会。复发并不罕见,应该以积极的方式解决失败的原因,并在个体准备好后开始进一步尝试。戒烟的关键步骤包括:(i)识别所有吸烟者,提醒他们吸烟的危害和戒烟的好处; (ii)评估是否准备开始戒烟; (iii)评估对尼古丁和吸烟的身体和心理依赖性; (iv)确定咨询/支持与药物治疗的最佳结合; (v)确定退出日期并提供适当的资源和支持; (vi)尽可能频繁地通过短信/电话或亲自进行跟进; (vii)监测副作用,复发和持续戒烟; (viii)如果发生复发,提供必要的支持并在适当时鼓励进一步尝试。



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