首页> 外文期刊>Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences >Dog population and ecology in Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) main campus and Bomo village, Kaduna state, Nigeria

Dog population and ecology in Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) main campus and Bomo village, Kaduna state, Nigeria




The availability of reliable estimates of dog populations is crucial in developing a control strategy for canine rabies in developing countries. The frequent roaming of dogs around Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) campus coinciding with reported cases of rabies outbreaks informed this study. The aim was to determine dog population size in ABU and Bomo, a village 500 meters away from Area C residential area of ABU main campus. From December, 2013-March, 2014, a questionnaires study was carried out in selected 510 households including urban (210 in ABU) and rural (300 in Bomo village) areas of Kaduna state. The questionnaire solicited information about dog’s usage, age, sex, anti-rabies vaccination status, differences in population density, frequency distribution and factors contributing to straying of owned dogs. Our findings showed that urban households (79 in ABU) owned dogs more than rural households (22 in Bomo village) which was significant (P2). There was no significant difference between the numbers of dog with up to date anti-rabies vaccination recorded in urban (41%) than in rural areas (9.1%). Male to female ratio was higher in rural (5.8:1) than in urban areas (2.9:1). Dogs were used for security purpose in both urban (82.3%) and rural areas (95.5%). Adult dogs dominated both urban (68.8%) and rural (65.9%) dog populations (P2). The dog-to-human ratio was higher in urban (1:7.6) than in rural areas (1:219.5). Similarly, the dogs’ abundance in the urban areas was five times higher than that of the rural areas. The low anti-rabies vaccination status of dogs, abundance of male and older dogs over female and younger ones, low restriction rate of dog movements constitute a great public health risk to human populations in terms of dog bites and rabies outbreaks.
机译:在发展中国家制定犬狂犬病控制策略时,获得可靠的狗群数量估计至关重要。艾哈迈杜·贝洛大学(ABU)校园周围的狗频繁漫游与报告的狂犬病暴发病例相吻合。目的是确定ABU和Bomo(距离ABU主校园C区居住区500米的村庄)的犬只数量。从2013年12月至2014年3月,我们对包括卡杜纳州的城市地区(ABU中的210个)和农村地区(Bomo村的300个)的选定510户家庭进行了问卷调查。该调查表征询了有关狗的使用情况,年龄,性别,抗狂犬病疫苗接种状况,人口密度差异,频率分布以及导致其自家狗流浪的因素的信息。我们的研究结果表明,城市家庭(ABU中的79个)拥有狗的数量多于农村家庭(Bomo村中的22个),这是很重要的(P2 )。在城市(41%)记录的最新狂犬病疫苗接种狗数量与农村地区(9.1%)之间没有显着差异。农村地区的男女比例(5.8:1)高于城市地区(2.9:1)。在城市(82.3%)和农村地区(95.5%)均使用狗作为安全目的。成年犬在市区(68.8%)和乡村(65.9%)的犬只中占主导地位(P2 )。城市中的狗与人的比例(1:7.6)高于农村地区(1:219.5)。同样,城市地区的狗的丰度是农村地区的五倍。狗的抗狂​​犬病疫苗接种率低,雄性和老年狗的数量多于雌性和年幼的狗,狗活动的限制率低,从狗咬伤和狂犬病暴发的角度来看,这对人类群体构成了巨大的公共卫生风险。



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