首页> 外文期刊>Sonklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology >An approximation of average run length using the Markov chain approach of a generally weighted moving average chart to monitor the number of defects

An approximation of average run length using the Markov chain approach of a generally weighted moving average chart to monitor the number of defects




The objective of this research is to propose an approximation average run length (ARL) using the Markov chainapproach (MCA) of a generally weighted moving average chart (GWMA) when observations are based on an underlyingbinomial distribution. The numerical results obtained from the MCA were compared with the results obtained from a MonteCarlo (MC) simulation method and the efficiency of the ARL was measured by CPU time. The performances of the GWMA andexponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts were compared in terms of monitoring the change in the process meanas defined by an out-of-control average run length (ARL1). The numerical results showed that the results of the ARL obtainedfrom MCA were in good agreement with the results obtained from MC; however, the MCA took less CPU time than the MCsimulation method. Furthermore, the performance of the GWMA chart was superior to the EWMA chart when the magnitudes ofchange were small (δ≤0.05), otherwise the EWMA performed better than the GWMA chart.
机译:这项研究的目的是,当观测值基于基本二项分布时,使用一般加权移动平均图(GWMA)的马尔可夫链法(MCA)提出近似平均行程长度(ARL)。将从MCA获得的数值结果与从MonteCarlo(MC)模拟方法获得的结果进行比较,并通过CPU时间来测量ARL的效率。 GWMA和指数加权移动平均值(EWMA)图表的性能在监视过程均值变化方面进行了比较,该过程均值由失控平均游程长度(ARL1)定义。数值结果表明,MCA得到的ARL结果与MC得到的结果吻合良好。但是,MCA花费的CPU时间少于MCsimulation方法。此外,当变化幅度较小(δ≤0.05)时,GWMA图的性能优于EWMA图,否则EWMA的性能要优于GWMA图。



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