首页> 外文期刊>South African Journal of Animal Science >Parameter estimates for reproductive output and product quality traits of ostrich females within breeding seasons

Parameter estimates for reproductive output and product quality traits of ostrich females within breeding seasons




Data involving monthly records of egg production (EP), chick production (CP), hatchability (H), mean egg weight (MEW) and mean day-old chick weight (MCW) were analysed using REML procedures.? All traits were treated as hen traits.? Egg production of young birds increased to reach a peak of approximately 4 to 5 eggs per month relatively late in the breeding season (September to December).? Older hens reached a higher peak of 6 to 9 eggs per month earlier in the breeding season (August to September).? There was a secondary peak in older birds from November to December.? All birds except 2-year olds exhibited evidence of a slump of production during October. Chick production, MEW, MCW and H followed similar trends.? The random effects of direct additive genetic, permanent environment (PE), temporary environment (TE – unique hen-year combinations) and service sire (SS) were estimated from the data.? Heritability estimates of the direct additive genetic effect (h2a) of the hen were 0.04 for EP, 0.05 for CP, 0.44 for MEW, 0.67 for MCW and 0.02 for H.? The estimates of permanent environment (c2pe) as a ratio of phenotypic variance for the four traits (MCW did not exhibit a significant c2pe effect) were 0.08, 0.08, 0.09 and 0.11, respectively.? The effect of service sire as a ratio (c2ss) was significant but relatively low for all traits, ranging from 0.04 for MEW and MCW to 0.06 for CP.? Monthly EP and CP were highly correlated at all levels, ranging from 0.74 for the TE correlation to unity (1.00) for the genetic correlation.? Egg production was favourably correlated with H at a genetic level (0.98).? The genetic correlations of EP and CP with MEW and MCW were variable and in some cases antagonistic as is often found in poultry.? The genetic correlations of H with MEW and MCW were positive (0.52 and 0.47, respectively).? As expected, the genetic correlation of MEW and MCW was very high at 0.94.? The results indicate that selection for improved reproduction (reproductive output and product quality traits) in ostriches is possible.? Selection is unlikely to be complicated by unfavourable correlations with H, MEW and MCW.
机译:使用REML程序分析涉及月蛋产量(EP),雏鸡产量(CP),孵化率(H),平均蛋重(MEW)和平均日龄雏鸡重量(MCW)的月度记录。所有性状均视为母鸡性状。在繁殖季节的后期(9月至12月),幼鸟的卵产量增加到每月约4至5个卵的高峰。在繁殖季节(8月至9月),较早的母鸡每月要达到更高的峰值,即6至9个卵。从11月到12月,成年鸟类出现了第二高峰。除2岁鸽外,所有鸟类都表现出10月份产量下降的迹象。小鸡产量,MEW,MCW和H遵循相似的趋势。从数据中估计了直接加成遗传,永久环境(PE),临时环境(TE –母鸡-年的独特组合)和服务父(SS)的随机效应。母鸡的直接加性遗传效应(h2a)的遗传力估计值为:EP 0.04,CP 0.05,MEW 0.44,MCW 0.67和H 0.02。永久性环境(c2pe)作为这四个特征(MCW没有表现出显着的c2pe效应)的表型变异比的估计分别为0.08、0.08、0.09和0.11。服务公猪作为比率(c2ss)的影响是显着的,但对于所有性状而言却相对较低,范围从MEW和MCW的0.04到CP的0.06。每月的EP和CP在各个级别上都高度相关,从TE相关的0.74到遗传相关的统一(1.00)不等。在遗传水平上,产蛋率与H呈正相关(0.98)。 EP和CP与MEW和MCW的遗传相关性是可变的,在某些情况下具有拮抗作用,如家禽中常见。 H与MEW和MCW的遗传相关呈正相关(分别为0.52和0.47)。不出所料,MEW和MCW的遗传相关性非常高,为0.94。结果表明,为改善鸵鸟的繁殖(生殖产量和产品质量性状)进行选择是可能的。与H,MEW和MCW的不利关联不太可能使选择复杂化。



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