首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade e Estado >Municipal elections and national crisis: electoral disputes in Brazil in 2016

Municipal elections and national crisis: electoral disputes in Brazil in 2016




The 2016 marked the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff (PT) and one of the hardest political crises since the Brazilian redemocratization in the early 1980s. One of the parties most affected by the national crisis was the “Partido dos Trabalhadores”. It remains to be seen how much the negative visibility of the party in the national arena has impacted local disputes. The article intends to analyze the results of the 2016 elections from aggregated variables. The democratization index is used to identify patterns of local democracy and to associate the performance of the major parties with these standards. The objective is to verify which parties have achieved better results in the current political conjuncture. The performance of candidates for councillor and mayor in the 5,600 municipalities in 2016 elections is analyzed.
机译:2016年标志着总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫(PT)的弹imp,这是自1980年代初巴西重新民主化以来最艰难的政治危机之一。受国家危机影响最大的政党之一是“ Partido dos Trabalhadores”。该党在国家舞台上的负面影响在多大程度上影响了当地争端,还有待观察。本文旨在从汇总变量中分析2016年大选的结果。民主化指数用于确定地方民主的模式,并将主要政党的表现与这些标准联系起来。目的是验证在当前政治形势下哪些政党取得了更好的结果。分析了2016年选举中5,600个城市中议员和市长候选人的表现。



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