首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade e Estado >Socio-environmental analysis: ecodevelopment education zone and Mondragon Cooperative experience

Socio-environmental analysis: ecodevelopment education zone and Mondragon Cooperative experience




This article aims to evaluate the progress and limits of two experiments conducted recently in two different areas on the main aspects involved in the internalization of the environmental issue. They use two case studies: Ecodevelopment Education Zone (ZEE) of the Watershed Rio Sagrado, Morretes (PR); and Mondragon Cooperative Experience (ECM), Basque Country (Spain). The methodology fits as qualitative emphasis applied research; participant research and exploratory, descriptive and evaluative approach with interpretation and data analysis from the qualitative research method of the Collective Subject Discourse (DSC). The results demonstrate that the two experiences work on socio-environmental and socioeconomic management based on the didactic-pedagogical process and the educational praxis: the learning community of the Rio Sagrado with a pedagogical emphasis based on the teaching-learning process; The community of cooperative practice with emphasis on the pedagogical resource of instrumentalization. It was concluded that in their own way, they emerge as alternatives to the hegemonic capitalist logic, working preventively in transforming the local community as protagonists of its development.



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