
The control of vectorial transmission




Between 1950 and 1951, the first Prophylactic campaign against Chagas Diseases was carried on in Brazil by the so existing Serviço Nacional de Malária. The actions involving chemical vector control comprehended 74 municipalities along the Rio Grande Valley, between the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Ever since, until 1975, the activities were performed according the availability of resources, being executed with more or less regularity and coverage. At that time, Chagas disease did no represent priority, in comparison with other endemic diseases prevalent in the Country. Even so, taking into account the accumulated data along those 25 years, the volume of work realized cannot be considered despicable. Nevertheless, it was few consistent, in terms of its impact on disease transmission. In 1975, with an additional injection of resources surpassed from the malaria program, plus the methodological systematization of the activities, and with the results of two extensive national inquiries (entomologic and serologic), the activities for vector control could be performed regularly, following two basic principles: interventions in always contiguous areas, progressively enlarged, and sustainability (continuity) of the activities, until being attained determined requirements and purpose previously established. Such actions and strategies lead into the exhaustion of the populations of the principal vector species, Triatoma infestans, no autochthonous and exclusively domiciliary, as well as the control of the domiciliary colonization of autochthonous species important to disease transmission. Vector transmission today is being considered residual, by means of some few native and peridomestic species, such as Triatoma brasiliensis and Triatoma pseudomaculata. There is, also, the risk of progressive domiciliation of some species before considered sylvatic, such as Panstrongylus lutzi and Triatoma rubrovaria. Finally, there is the possibility of the occurrence of cases of human infection directly related to the enzootic cycle of the parasite. By all these reasons, it is still indispensable the maintenance of a strict epidemiological surveillance against Chagas Disease in Brazil.
机译:在1950年至1951年之间,巴西现存的马拉维共和国(ServiçoNacional deMalária)开展了首次预防南美锥虫病的预防运动。涉及化学媒介物控制的行动包括圣保罗州和米纳斯吉拉斯州之间的里奥格兰德河谷沿线的74个城市。从那时起,直到1975年,活动都是根据资源的可用性进行的,执行的活动或多或少都有规律性和覆盖面。当时,与该国流行的其他地方性疾病相比,恰加斯病尚未成为重点。即使这样,考虑到过去25年的累积数据,已经实现的工作量也不能被视作卑鄙。然而,就其对疾病传播的影响而言,它并不一致。 1975年,由于疟疾计划增加了额外的资源投入,加上活动的方法学系统化,加上两次全国性广泛询问(昆虫学和血清学)的结果,可以定期进行媒介控制活动,随后进行两次基本原则:对活动的始终连续的区域进行干预,逐步扩大活动的可持续性,直到达到先前确定的要求和目的。此类行动和策略导致主要媒介物种Triatoma infestans的种群枯竭,没有自生的和独生的居籍,并控制了对疾病传播很重要的自生种的居所定植。如今,借助于一些原生和蠕虫物种,例如巴西Triatoma和假Triatoma pseudomaculata,媒介传播被认为是残留的。此外,某些物种在被认为属于sylvatic物种之前,有可能逐渐定居,例如Pantstrongylus lutzi和Triatoma rubrovaria。最后,有可能发生与寄生虫的昆虫生存周期直接相关的人类感染病例。由于所有这些原因,保持对巴西恰加斯病的严格流行病学监测仍然是必不可少的。


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