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Affordance is Power: Contradictions Between Communicational and Technical Dimensions of WhatsAppa??s End-to-End Encryption




WhatsAppa??s implementation of end-to-end encryption has been celebrated by many. Intriguingly, though, the invisible affordance was made visible with an individual message to each conversation. In this research, we a??properly scrutinizea?? the roll-out of the affordance in historical perspective inspired by the a??platform biographya?? approach, critically comparing corporate and media documentation with an analysis of the attributes and affordances that refer to the realm of privacy and security with focus on the end-to-end encryption. After pointing the contradictions with evidences found, we conclude that the implementation should be interpreted neither as a plain idealistic saga for user privacy and security by the Appa??s founders nor as simply a market-oriented approacha??though both are clearly components of the companya??s motivesa??but as a strategic move inserted in a: (1) Public Relations guerrilla strategy from WhatsApp Inc. facing national States and respective intelligence agencies or law enforcement institutions, in which context the development and implementation of affordances reveals a (2) power move by corporate digital media to avoid political conflict against vigilante state power and therefore the Appa??s subsistent vulnerabilities in terms of privacy and security should be read as (3) a tradeoff between commercial massiveness at the expense of technological utopia.
机译:WhatsAppa的端到端加密实现受到许多人的欢迎。有趣的是,无形的承受能力通过每次对话的单独消息变得可见。在这项研究中,我们“仔细检查”?受“平台传记”的启发,以历史角度推出可负担能力这种方法,主要是将公司和媒体文档与对涉及隐私和安全领域的属性和功能的分析进行比较,重点是端到端加密。在用发现的证据指出矛盾之后,我们得出结论,该实施既不应该被Appa的创建者解释为用户隐私和安全的简单理想主义传奇,也不应该仅仅是以市场为导向的方法。公司的动机,但作为一项战略举措插入:(1)WhatsApp Inc.面向国家和相关情报机构或执法机构的公共关系游击战略,在这种情况下,收费的发展和实施揭示了(2)公司数字媒体为避免与治安状态国家政权发生政治冲突而进行的权力转移,因此,在隐私和安全性方面,Appa's持续存在的漏洞应理解为(3)在商业规模之间进行权衡,以牺牲技术为代价乌托邦。



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