首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. Revista >Detection enteroparasites transmissible forms in water and raw vegetables consumed in pre-schools from Sorocaba, S?o Paulo state, Brazil

Detection enteroparasites transmissible forms in water and raw vegetables consumed in pre-schools from Sorocaba, S?o Paulo state, Brazil




Water and raw vegetables consumed in ten nursery schools were evaluated for the presence of transmissible forms of enteroparasites. The water was submitted to filtration through membranes. The washed membrane water was submitted to the Faust method. The in natura and washed vegetables were washed and the water analyzed by the sedimentation method. Contamination was not detected in one school; in two schools, all the materials were contaminated; in four schools, two items were contaminated and in three, one material presented contamination. The water presented a contamination index of 0.7% contamination (Hymenolepis diminuta, Strongyloides stercoralis and Ancylostomatidae); the vegetables in natura, 3.9% (Strongyloides stercoralis, Ancylostomatidae, Ascaris lumbricoides and Giardia lamblia) and the washed samples 1.3% (Strongyloides stercoralis, Ascaris lumbricoides and Giardia lamblia). The water and vegetables are enteroparasites vehicles. The larval form predominated. The vegetables in natura presented higher contamination than those that were washed. Elimination of these forms in vegetables was not guaranteed by washing.
机译:对十所托儿所消耗的水和生蔬菜进行了评估,以评估是否存在可传播形式的肠寄生虫。使水通过膜过滤。将洗涤后的膜水进行浮士德法。洗涤天然蔬菜和洗涤过的蔬菜,并通过沉淀法分析水。一所学校没有发现污染;在两所学校,所有材料都被污染了;在四所学校中,有两件物品被污染,在三所中,有一种材料被污染。水的污染指数为0.7%(Hymenolepis diminuta,steryloides stercoralis和Ancylostomatidae);天然蔬​​菜中的蔬菜为3.9%(硬皮粉刺线虫,Ancylostomatidae,Ascaris lumbricoides和贾第鞭毛虫)和清洗后的样品为1.3%(硬皮粉线虫,Ascaris lumbricoides和鞭毛贾第鞭毛虫)。水和蔬菜是肠寄生虫的媒介。幼虫占优势。自然蔬菜中的蔬菜比洗过的蔬菜污染更高。清洗不能保证消除蔬菜中的这些形式。



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