首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira da Ciencia das Plantas Daninhas >Efficacy of herbicides in different amounts of sugar cane straw on Euphorbia heterophylla control

Efficacy of herbicides in different amounts of sugar cane straw on Euphorbia heterophylla control




This work aimed to study the effect of different amounts of sugar cane straw, collected unburned, on the efficacy of some herbicides recommended for this culture. The experiment was carried out in the field, at the Centro de Ci?ancias Agr??rias/UFSCar, Araras, SP. The treatments consisted of herbicides trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametryn (1,463 + 37 g a.i ha-1), imazapic (84 g a.i ha-1), imazapyr (200 g a.i ha-1), diuron + hexazinone (1,170 + 330 g a.i ha 1) and 2diuron + hexazinone (1,330 + 160 g a.i ha-1) applied in pre emergence of Euphorbia heterophylla and five increasing amounts of sugar cane straw ( 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t ha-1).Weed control efficacy was evaluated on 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after treatments (DAT). Straw (15 and 20 t ha-1) reduced the population of E. heterophylla. As the amount of straw increased, herbicide effectiveness decreased; with 15 t ha-1 straw, control was satisfactory (90%) only for the treatments 1diuron + hexazinone and trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametryn. With 20 t ha-1 straw, no herbicide was effective; however, in this case, straw was efficient in suppressing this species, since the number of emerged plants was smaller, even in the plots without herbicide.
机译:这项工作旨在研究未燃烧收集的不同数量的甘蔗秸秆对这种文化推荐的某些除草剂功效的影响。该实验是在田纳西州农业中心/ UFSCar,阿拉拉斯,SP现场进行的。治疗方法包括除草剂三氟甲磺隆钠+六氢萘草胺(1,463 + 37 g ai ha-1),imazapic(84 g ai ha-1),imazapyr(200 g ai ha-1),diuron +六嗪酮(1,170 + 330 g ai) ha 1)和2diuron + hexazinone(1,330 + 160 g a·ha-1)应用于大戟一生和五种增加量的甘蔗秸秆(0、5、10、15和20 t ha-1)。在治疗后第7、14、21和28天(DAT)评估疗效。秸秆(15和20 tha-1)减少了太子参的数量。随着秸秆量的增加,除草剂的有效性下降;用15 tha-1秸秆处理,仅对1diuron + hexazoneone和trifloxysulfuron-sodium + atricn的处理而言,控制效果令人满意(90%)。使用20 tha-1稻草,没有除草剂有效;但是,在这种情况下,即使在没有除草剂的地块中,由于出苗的植物数量较少,稻草也能有效地抑制该物种。



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