首页> 外文期刊>Silva Fennica >A forest machine bogie with a bearing capacity dependent contact area: acceleration and angular orientation when passing obstacles and drawbar pull force and free rolling resistance on firm ground.

A forest machine bogie with a bearing capacity dependent contact area: acceleration and angular orientation when passing obstacles and drawbar pull force and free rolling resistance on firm ground.




The Long Tracked Bogie with contact area dependent on bearing capacity was compared to a conventional bogie. Two unloaded Vimek 608 forwarders with different bogies and with the traction from the front wheel removed were compared. Two high obstacles, 0.1 and 0.2 m high, respectively and 0.15 m in width, and two deep obstacles/ditches with a depth of 0.2 m and a width 1 and 1.5 m were used for tests. Towing tests on flat ground were done by connecting the machines to each other with a load cell in between. There were no or small differences in acceleration when passing obstacles between the two types of bogie. LTB passed wider ditches/cavities with lower pitch angles (one bogie/side passing) and 0.2 m obstacles with higher roll angles than a conventional bogie. On firm ground, free rolling resistance of the LTB was about 60% of the resistance of the conventional bogie. The drawbar pull force for the LTB was indicated to be a few percentage units higher than for the conventional bogie when it was driving with a towed machine acting as a braking force. The LTB principle might yield opportunities to improve the way we construct bogies for forest machines. Even if the contact area is low on firm ground when the machine is running with low load, it increases when higher traction force is needed and on softer soil. Further field tests are needed to evaluate the LTB when used on soft ground and with higher load as well.
机译:将接触面积取决于承载能力的长距离转向架与常规转向架进行了比较。比较了两个卸载后的,转向架不同且前轮牵引力已移除的Vimek 608货代。测试使用了两个高的障碍物,分别为0.1和0.2 m高,宽度为0.15 m,以及两个深度为0.2 m,宽度为1和1.5 m的深障碍物/沟。在平坦的地面上进行拖曳测试是通过将机器彼此连接,并在两者之间安装一个称重传感器来完成的。在两种类型的转向架之间通过障碍物时,加速度没有或只有很小的差异。与传统的转向架相比,LTB以较小的俯仰角(一个转向架/侧面通过)通过了更宽的沟渠/空腔,并以更大的侧倾角通过了0.2 m的障碍物。在牢固的地面上,LTB的自由滚动阻力约为传统转向架阻力的60%。 LTB的牵引杆拉力显示为比传统转​​向架在牵引车作为制动力驱动时要高出几个百分点。 LTB原则可能会带来改进我们为林业机械制造转向架的方式的机会。即使机器在低负载下运行时,牢固地面上的接触面积较小,当需要更高的牵引力和较软的土壤时,接触面积也会增大。当在软地面上以及更高的负载下使用时,需要进一步的现场测试来评估LTB。



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