首页> 外文期刊>Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics >Solution of multi-objective transportation problem via fuzzy programming algorithm

Solution of multi-objective transportation problem via fuzzy programming algorithm




This paper is on the solution of multi-objective transportation problem via fuzzy programming algorithm. The data for this paper was collected by an egg dealer in whose main office is located at Orji Owerri Imo State Nigeria, who supplies the product to different wholesalers (destinations) after taking it from different poultry farm (sources), and the time and cost of transportation from source i to destination j were recorded. TORA statistical software was employed in the data analysis, and the results of the analysis revealed that if we use the hyperbolic membership function, then the crisp model becomes linear. The result also revealed that the optimal compromise solution does not alter if we compare it with the solution obtained by the linear membership function. Thus, if we compare it with the solution obtained by the linear membership function, it is shown that the fuzzy optimal values do not depend on the chosen membership function be it linear or non-linear membership function.
机译:通过模糊规划算法解决多目标运输问题。本文的数据是由总部位于尼日利亚Orji Owerri Imo州的鸡蛋经销商收集的,鸡蛋经销商从不同的家禽养殖场(来源)获取产品后,将产品提供给不同的批发商(目的地),并提供时间和成本。记录了从来源i到目的地j的运输量。数据分析使用了TORA统计软件,分析结果表明,如果我们使用双曲隶属函数,则清晰模型将变为线性。结果还表明,如果将最佳折衷解决方案与通过线性隶属函数获得的解决方案进行比较,则最优折衷解决方案不会改变。因此,如果将其与通过线性隶属度函数获得的解进行比较,则表明模糊最优值不依赖于所选择的隶属度函数,无论是线性还是非线性隶属度函数。



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