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Etiology, occurrence and epidemiology of a begomovirus disease in passionflower in the southwest of Bahia




Severe mosaic symptoms, accompanied by yellow spots, abnormally small leaves, fruit malformation and cracking, reduced plant growth, and high levels of whitefly ( Bemisia tabaci MEAM1) infestation were observed in passionflower ( Passiflora edulis ) orchards in southwestern Bahia, Brazil. The aim of this work was to identify the species of begomovirus infecting the passionflowers, its prevalence in southwestern Bahia, and the spatial and temporal dynamics of the disease. Leaf samples from symptomatic plants collected at 57 orchards located in ten counties were evaluated by PCR for begomovirus infection. Complete nucleotide sequences of DNA-A for two isolates revealed 97 % identity with Passionfruit severe leaf distortion virus (PSLDV). The occurrence of PSLDV in 57 orchards was evaluated based on the presence of characteristic disease symptoms. Approximately 235,000 visually assessed plants exhibited symptoms characteristic of begomovirus infection. Epidemiological studies, conducted in two orchards in Dom Basílio County, showed that disease progress was relatively slow until 121 days after transplanting (DAT), but more rapid in the following 35 days, reaching 100 % infected plants by 156 DAT. The exponential model was fitted to the temporal dynamic of the disease for both areas. An aggregated pattern of diseased plants was predominant for almost all evaluations. It is possible that the primary and secondary spread of the pathogen occurred concurrently during the epidemic progression in both areas, especially late in the season. Containment measures to prevent the virus and the vector from spreading to other passionfruit producing areas in Brazil should be implemented.
机译:在巴西巴伊亚州西南部的西番莲(Passiflora edulis)果园中观察到严重的马赛克症状,伴有黄斑,异常的小叶子,果实畸形和开裂,植物生长减少以及粉虱(Bemisia tabaci MEAM1)侵染水平高。这项工作的目的是确定感染西番莲的贝莫病毒的种类,其在巴伊亚州西南部的流行以及该病的时空动态。通过PCR评估了来自十个县57个果园的有症状植物的叶样品对bemomovirus的感染。两个分离株的DNA-A完整核苷酸序列显示与百香果严重叶片畸变病毒(PSLDV)的97%相同。根据特征性疾病症状的存在评估57个果园中PSLDV的发生。大约235,000种经视觉评估的植物表现出特征性的begomovirus感染症状。在DomBasílio县的两个果园中进行的流行病学研究表明,疾病进展相对缓慢,直到移植后121天(DAT),但在随后的35天中更为迅速,到156 DAT达到100%受感染植物。指数模型适合于两个地区的疾病的时间动态。几乎所有评估都以病态植物的聚集模式为主。在两个地区的流行过程中,尤其是在季节后期,病原体的主要和次要传播可能同时发生。应采取遏制措施,以防止病毒和媒介传播到巴西其他百香果产区。



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