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The Equivalent of the Goldbach Conjecture and 'Even Number Is the Difference Between Two Prime Numbers'




Goldbach conjecture can be described as "an even number is the sum of two prime Numbers,", this description is well known, the Canadian guy's book 《the unresolved problems in number theory》, put forward a conjecture which is contrary to goldbach: that "evens are the different between two prime Numbers", the difficulty of the conjecture is not less than goldbach conjecture, as also an unresolved problem. This paper, based on the promotion of chandra symmetric matrix, there is a natural number as long as there is any matrix at the same time don't appear in the matrix as well as the matrix beginning of 4, thus making the conjecture set up, thus obtained the equivalent propositions of "an even number are the difference between the two primes" conjecture: 2mn + m + n and 2m + m+n + x (m, n for any natural number, x takes only one value at a time, is a fixed) Is these two formulas can show all the natural Numbers greater than 4 + x? If not, then the "even number is the difference between two prime Numbers" conjecture is true, which is the equivalent of the conjecture. And I get the equivalent proposition of golabach too! Mathematicians can turn to this description, as long as have the solution of this new description, the original conjecture will also be solved, the road of research also greatly broaden, mathematicians on the new description of the solution, in the process of research should be have some achievements. The difference between this equivalent proposition and the original conjecture is that the original conjecture is only a description of a concept, while the equivalent proposition tends to be digitized and formulated.
机译:哥德巴赫猜想可以描述为“一个偶数是两个质数之和”,这种描述是众所周知的,加拿大佬的书《数论中尚未解决的问题》提出了一个与哥德巴赫相反的猜想: “偶数在两个素数之间是不同的”,猜想的难度不小于戈德巴赫猜想,这也是一个未解决的问题。本文在推广钱德拉对称矩阵的基础上,有一个自然数,只要同时没有任何矩阵出现在矩阵以及矩阵的4开头,就可以建立猜想。 ,因此得出“偶数是两个质数之差”的等价命题:2mn + m + n和2m + m + n + x(m,n对于任何自然数,x在a处仅取一个值时间,是固定的)这两个公式可以显示所有大于4 + x的自然数吗?如果不是,则“偶数是两个质数之差”的猜想为真,这与该猜想等效。我也得到了戈拉巴赫的命题!数学家可以求助于这种描述,只要有这种新描述的解决方案,原来的猜想也将得到解决,研究之路也大大拓宽,数学家对这种新描述的解决方案,在研究过程中应有一些成就。该等效命题与原始猜想之间的区别在于,原始猜想仅是一个概念的描述,而等效命题则倾向于数字化和表述。



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