首页> 外文期刊>ournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan >On the Relationship between the Aerosol Layer Height 2 the Mixed Layer Height Determined by Laser Radar an Low-Level Radiosonde Observations

On the Relationship between the Aerosol Layer Height 2 the Mixed Layer Height Determined by Laser Radar an Low-Level Radiosonde Observations




The relationship between the height of the stable layer and the height of the aerosol layer nearest to the ground on sunny days was examined using radiosonde and laser radar observations. Aerosol layer heights were determined by the normalized (aerosol) concentration gradient. Good correlation was found between the lowest-level stable layer and the lowest aerosol layer top (correlation coefficient=0.87) and also between the stable layer stability and the vertical gradient of the aerosol concentration at the aerosol layer top (correlation coefficient=0.78).
机译:使用无线电探空仪和激光雷达观测,研究了晴天稳定层高度与最接近地面的气溶胶层高度之间的关系。气溶胶层的高度由归一化(气溶胶)浓度梯度确定。在最低水平的稳定层和最低的气溶胶层顶部之间发现了良好的相关性(相关系数= 0.87),并且在稳定层稳定性和气溶胶层顶部处的气溶胶浓度的垂直梯度之间也具有良好的相关性(相关系数= 0.78)。



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