首页> 外文期刊>ournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan >Evolution of the Large Scale Circulation, Cloud Structure andRegional Water Cycle Associated with the South China Sea Monsoonduring May-June, 1998

Evolution of the Large Scale Circulation, Cloud Structure andRegional Water Cycle Associated with the South China Sea Monsoonduring May-June, 1998




This paper studies the evolution of the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon during May-June 1998, toelucidate relationships among the large scale circulation, organization of convection, cloud structures,and fluctuations of the regional water cycle of the SCS. Primary data used include field observationsfrom the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX), and the satellite rain products from theTropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). Prior to the onset of the SCS monsoon, enhanced convectiveactivities associated with the Madden and Julian Oscillation were detected over the equatorialIndian Ocean in early May while the SCS was under the influence of the West Pacific Anticyclone withprevailing low level easterlies and suppressed convection. Subsquently, a bifurcation of the MJO convectionnear 90°E led to the development of strong convection over the Bay of Bengal, which spawnedlow-level westerlies across Indo-China and contributed to the initial build-up of moisture and convectiveavailable potential energy over the northern SCS. The onset of the SCS monsoon occurred around May18-20, and appeared to be triggered by the equatorward penetration of extratropical frontal disturbances,originating from the continental regions of East Asia.Analysis of TRMM microwave and precipitation radar data revealed that during the onset phase,convection over the northern SCS consisted of squall-type rain cells embedded in meso-scale complexessimilar to extratropical systems. The radar Z-factor intensity indicated that SCS clouds possessed abimodal distribution, with a pronounced signal (>30 dBz) at a height of 2-3 km, and another one(>25 dBz) at the 8-10 km level, separated by a well-defined melting level signaled by a bright band ataround 5-km level. The most convectively active phase of the SCS monsoon, as measured by the abundanceof convective and stratiform hydrometeor types, inferred from the radar vertical profile, was foundto occur when the large scale vertical wind shear was weakest.The fluctuation of the water cycle over the northern SCS was found to be closely linked to the largescaledynamical and SST forcings. Before onset and during the break, the northern SCS was relativelywarm and served as a moisture source (E - P > 0) to the overlying atmosphere. During the active phase,the northern SCS was cooled, providing a strong sink (E - P « 0) for atmospheric moisture, with theprimary source of moisture coming from regions further west over Indo-China and the eastern IndianOcean. Vigorous water recycling by convective systems in the northern SCS occurred during the maturephase of the SCS monsoon, with precipitation efficiency (defined as the ratio of the surface precipitationto the sum of large scale moisture convergence and surface evaporation from the ocean) approaching96%. Westward transport of moisture from Indo-China into, and northward transport out of, the northernSCS provided the main source of moisture for the torrential rain over the YRV in mid-June 1998.The present results suggest that the SCS may play an important role in regulating the SCS monsoonactive and break cycles through charge and discharge of moisture, and convective available potentialenergy.
机译:本文研究了1998年5月至6月南中国海季风的演变过程,阐明了南海大尺度环流,对流组织,云结构和区域水循环波动之间的关系。使用的主要数据包括来自南中国海季风实验(SCSMEX)的野外观测以及来自热带雨量测量团(TRMM)的卫星雨水。在南海季风爆发之前,5月初在赤道印度洋上发现与马登和朱利安涛动有关的对流活动增强,而南海受西太平洋反旋风影响,主要是东风低,对流受到抑制。随后,MJO对流在90°E附近分叉,导致在孟加拉湾上形成强对流,这在中国支那产生了低层西风,并促进了北部北部水汽和对流可用势能的初步积累。 SCS。南海季风的爆发发生在5月18日至20日左右,似乎是由东亚大陆地区引起的温带锋面赤道向赤道穿透所致。TRMM微波和降水雷达数据分析表明,在爆发阶段,北南海的对流由嵌在类似于温带系统的中尺度复合物中的complex流型雨单元组成。雷达Z因子强度表明SCS云具有双峰分布,在2-3 km的高度有明显的信号(> 30 dBz),在8-10 km的高度有另一个(> 25 dBz),由明确定义的融化水平,由5公里左右的亮带指示。从雷达垂直剖面推断,通过对流和层状水流计类型的丰度来测量,南海季风最活跃的对流活动是在大型垂直风切变最弱时发生的。北半球水循环的波动发现SCS与大规模动力和SST强迫密切相关。在爆发之前和休息期间,北部南海相对温暖,并作为上层大气的湿气源(E-P> 0)。在活动期,南海北部地区被冷却,为大气水分提供了一个强大的汇(E-P«0),主要的水分来源来自印度支那以西和印度洋东部。在南海北部季风的成熟期,南海北部通过对流系统进行了有力的水循环利用,降水效率(定义为地表降水与大规模水汽汇合和海面蒸发总量之比)接近96%。 1998年6月中旬,印度支那向南向北输送水分,北向南向北输送,这是YRV暴雨的主要水分来源。目前的结果表明,南海可能起着重要的作用。通过充水和排湿以及对流可用势能来调节SCS季风活动和中断周期。



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