首页> 外文期刊>Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia >Effect of introduction of a new electronic anesthesia record (Epic) system on the safety and efficiency of patient care in a gastrointestinal endoscopy suite-comparison with historical cohort

Effect of introduction of a new electronic anesthesia record (Epic) system on the safety and efficiency of patient care in a gastrointestinal endoscopy suite-comparison with historical cohort




Background: Use of electronic medical record systems has increased in the recent years. Epic is one such system gaining popularity in the USA. Epic is a private company, which invented the electronic documentation system adopted in our hospital. In spite of many presumed advantages, its use is not critically analyzed. Some of the perceived advantages are increased efficiency and protection against litigation as a result of accurate documentation. Materials and Methods: In this study, retrospective data of 305 patients who underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (wherein electronic charting was used - “Epic group”) were compared with 288 patients who underwent the same procedure with documentation saved on a paper chart (“paper group”). Time of various events involved in the procedure such as anesthesia start, endoscope insertion, endoscope removal, and transfer to the postanesthesia care unit were routinely documented. From this data, the various time durations were calculated. Results: Both “anesthesia start to scope insertion” times and “scope removal to transfer” times were significantly less in the Epic group compared to the paper group. Use of Epic system led to a saving of 4 min of procedure time per patient. However, the mean oxygen saturation was significantly less in the Epic group. Conclusion: In spite of perceived advantages of Epic documentation system, significant hurdles remain with its use. Although the system allows seamless flow of patients, failure to remove all artifacts can lead to errors and become a source of potential litigation hazard.
机译:背景:近年来,电子病历系统的使用有所增加。 Epic就是这样一种在美国流行的系统。 Epic是一家私营公司,它发明了我们医院采用的电子文档系统。尽管有许多假定的优点,但并未严格分析其使用。可以看到的一些优势是由于记录准确,可以提高效率并提供诉讼保护。资料和方法:在这项研究中,将305例接受内镜逆行胰胆管造影术的患者(其中使用电子图表-“史诗组”)的回顾性数据与288例接受相同程序并在纸质图表上保存文档的患者(“组”)。常规记录该过程中涉及的各种事件的时间,例如麻醉开始,内窥镜插入,内窥镜摘除以及转移到麻醉后护理单元。根据该数据,计算出各种持续时间。结果:与纸质组相比,Epic组的“麻醉开始到范围插入”时间和“切除范围至转移”时间均显着减少。使用Epic系统可为每位患者节省4分钟的手术时间。但是,Epic组的平均血氧饱和度明显降低。结论:尽管Epic文档系统具有公认的优势,但其使用仍然存在许多障碍。尽管该系统允许患者无缝流动,但未能去除所有伪影可能会导致错误并成为潜在诉讼风险的来源。



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