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Stabilizing the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by surface mass deposition




There is evidence that a self-sustaining ice discharge from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) has started, potentially leading to its disintegration. The associated sea level rise of more than 3m would pose a serious challenge to highly populated areas including metropolises such as Calcutta, Shanghai, New York City, and Tokyo. Here, we show that the WAIS may be stabilized through mass deposition in coastal regions around Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers. In our numerical simulations, a minimum of 7400 Gt of additional snowfall stabilizes the flow if applied over a short period of 10 years onto the region (?2 mm yearsup?1/sup sea level equivalent). Mass deposition at a lower rate increases the intervention time and the required total amount of snow. We find that the precise conditions of such an operation are crucial, and potential benefits need to be weighed against environmental hazards, future risks, and enormous technical challenges.
机译:有证据表明,自南极西部冰原(WAIS)的自持式冰排已经开始,有可能导致其解体。随之而来的海平面上升超过3m,将对人口稠密的地区构成严重挑战,包括加尔各答,上海,纽约和东京等大都市。在这里,我们表明WAIS可能通过在Pine Island和Thwaites冰川周围的沿海地区大量沉积而得以稳定。在我们的数值模拟中,如果在短短10年内应用到该区域(相当于2 mm年?1 海平面)上,则至少有7400 Gt的额外降雪可使流量稳定。较低速度的大量沉积会增加干预时间和所需的积雪总量。我们发现这种操作的精确条件至关重要,并且需要权衡潜在收益与环境危害,未来风险和巨大的技术挑战。



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