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Campo Laborde: A Late Pleistocene giant ground sloth kill and butchering site in the Pampas

机译:坎波·拉伯德(Campo Laborde):潘帕斯(Pampas)的一个晚更新世的巨型树懒杀戮和屠杀场



The extinction of Pleistocene megafauna and the role played by humans have been subjects of constant debate in American archeology. Previous evidence from the Pampas region of Argentina suggested that this environment might have provided a refugium for the Holocene survival of several megamammals. However, recent excavations and more advanced accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating at Campo Laborde site in the Argentinian Pampas challenge the Holocene survival of Pleistocene megamammals and provide original and high-quality information documenting direct human impact on the Pleistocene fauna. The new data offer definitive evidence for hunting and butchering of Megatherium americanum (giant ground sloth) at 12,600 cal years BP and dispute previous interpretations that Pleistocene megamammals survived into the Holocene in the Pampas.
机译:更新世巨型动物的灭绝和人类所扮演的角色一直是美国考古学不断争论的主题。来自阿根廷潘帕斯地区的先前证据表明,这种环境可能为几个巨型哺乳动物的全新世生存提供了避难所。但是,最近在阿根廷潘帕斯州坎波拉伯德(Campo Laborde)地点进行的发掘和更先进的加速器质谱放射性碳测距对更新世巨型哺乳动物的全新世生存提出了挑战,并提供了原始和高质量的信息来证明人类对更新世动物的直接影响。新数据提供了在BP 12,600 cal年狩猎和屠杀美洲巨人(巨型树懒)的确切证据,并质疑以前的更新世巨型哺乳动物幸存到潘帕斯的全新世的解释。



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