首页> 外文期刊>SAHARA-J >HIV/AIDS through the lens of Christianity: Perspectives from a South African urban support group

HIV/AIDS through the lens of Christianity: Perspectives from a South African urban support group




HIV is one of the most obscure viruses that humankind has had to face in recent times. Compounding this obscurity are often contesting perspectives on what it means to be HIV infected, and these perspectives are largely constituted by people's rationalisation of complex situations or experiences. Using qualitative research methods and ethnography in particular, this paper reflects on a broad understanding of what it means to live with HIV in the context of Christianity, using research participants' perspectives in an urban support group setting. Two fundamental patterns are evident in this paper: (1) as support group members rationalise their HIV infection, they continuously construct and reconstruct their identities; and (2) support group members rationalise their HIV infection to enhance their coping abilities, using Christianity and the Bible in particular, as a reference. Whilst rationalising HIV infection, three viewpoints emerge. The first viewpoint perceives HIV infection as an affliction by Satan; the second viewpoint sees it as originating from God; while the last viewpoint interprets HIV infection as a negotiated settlement between God and Satan. The paper is intended to trigger debate, and hopefully also to seek and provide answers from various sectors of society, and religious communities in particular, in order to help other HIV positive people in similar situations better manage their HIV condition.
机译:艾滋病毒是人类最近必须面对的最晦涩的病毒之一。使这种模糊不清变得更加复杂的是,人们常常就人们对艾滋病毒感染意味着什么提出了不同的观点,而这些观点很大程度上是由人们对复杂情况或经验的合理化构成的。本文特别使用定性研究方法和人种志,反映出对基督教背景下艾滋病毒携带者的广泛理解,并利用城市支持小组中参与者的观点。本文的两个基本模式很明显:(1)随着支持小组成员合理化其HIV感染,他们不断地构建和重建其身份。 (2)支持小组成员合理化自己的HIV感染,以增强他们的应对能力,尤其要参考基督教和圣经。在合理化HIV感染的同时,出现了三种观点。第一个观点认为撒但是艾滋病毒的感染者。第二种观点认为它源于上帝。而最后一个观点则将艾滋病毒感染解释为上帝与撒但之间的协商解决。本文旨在引发辩论,并希望从社会各阶层,尤其是宗教团体中寻求并提供答案,以帮助处于类似情况的其他艾滋病毒阳性患者更好地管理其艾滋病毒状况。



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