首页> 外文期刊>Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine >Mass Screening of Youth Athletes for High Risk Landing Patterns using a Portable and Inexpensive Motion Sensor Device

Mass Screening of Youth Athletes for High Risk Landing Patterns using a Portable and Inexpensive Motion Sensor Device




Objectives: Biomechanical factors such as dynamic knee valgus predispose young athletes to lower extremity injury including tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Identifying these risk factors may allow for targeted injury prevention strategies. Our prior work has validated the Microsoft Kinect vs. Vicon to detect knee-ankle separation ratio (KASR) during the drop vertical jump test (DVJ). Our hypothesis is that screening with the Microsoft Kinect will be safe, efficient, and provide information to help detect injury risk in youth athletes. Methods: A total of 180 healthy high school athletes, ages 14-18 (80 males and 100 females, age of 16.9 ± 1.31 and BMI of 22.8 ± 3.7) participated in this study. Each subject performed three successful DVJ (Fig. 1). We used an inexpensive, portable motion sensor device to measure the KASR, which captures the ratio of the horizontal distance between knees to the horizontal distance between ankles. From previous studies, a KASR value <1 indicates dynamic valgus, while being below 0.6 is considered severe risk. Demographic information and measurements for KASR on initial contact and peak flexion were analyzed statistically. Results: Using two motion sensor device stations, it took 1.5 minutes to screen and test each subject. There were no injuries that occurred during the screening process. Our results showed a statistically significant difference between male and female KASR for both initial contact (p<0.001) and peak flexion (p<0.001). Sixty out of the 100 female subjects (60%) tested positive for valgus (9 initial contact KASR, 1 peak flexion KASR, 50 both initial contact and peak flexion KASR) with two subjects screening for severe risk (KASR<0.6). The average KASR for females was 1.01 (peak flexion) and 0.967 (initial contact). Eighteen out of the 80 male subjects (22.5%) tested positive for valgus (6 initial contact KASR, 2 peak flexion KASR, 10 both initial contact and peak flexion KASR) with no male subjects screening positive for severe risk. The average KASR for males was 1.26 (peak flexion) and 1.13 (initial contact). Comparing males and females that screened positive for KASR, there was a significant gender difference between the KASR at initial contact with females exhibiting more valgus than males (p<0.001) (Table 1). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that a portable and inexpensive motion analysis device can detect dynamic valgus during the DVJ in youth athletes. Large scale screening for dynamic valgus was safe and efficient. Known gender disparities between male and females for neuromuscular imbalances were identified. Potential use of this information for targeted injury prevention is appealing and requires further investigation.
机译:目的:诸如动态膝外翻的生物力学因素使年轻运动员容易遭受下肢损伤,包括前十字韧带(ACL)的撕裂。识别这些危险因素可能有助于制定有针对性的伤害预防策略。我们先前的工作已经验证了Microsoft Kinect与Vicon的关系,可以在跌落垂直跳动测试(DVJ)期间检测膝-踝分离比(KASR)。我们的假设是,使用Microsoft Kinect进行筛查将是安全,高效的,并且可提供有助于检测青年运动员受伤风险的信息。方法:总共180名健康的高中运动员,年龄在14-18岁之间(男性80名,女性100名,年龄16.9±1.31,BMI为22.8±3.7)。每个对象执行了三个成功的DVJ(图1)。我们使用了一种廉价的便携式运动传感器设备来测量KASR,该KASR捕获了膝盖之间的水平距离与脚踝之间的水平距离之比。根据先前的研究,KASR值<1表示动态外翻,而低于0.6则被视为严重风险。统计分析初始接触和峰屈曲时KASR的人口统计学信息和测量结果。结果:使用两个运动传感器设备站,花费了1.5分钟来筛选和测试每个对象。筛选过程中没有受伤。我们的结果表明,男性和女性KASR在初始接触(p <0.001)和屈曲峰值(p <0.001)上都有统计学意义的差异。 100名女性受试者中有60名(60%)测试为外翻呈阳性(9例初次接触KASR,1例屈曲峰值KASR,50例初次接触曲折和峰值屈曲KASR),其中两名受试者筛查了严重风险(KASR <0.6)。女性的平均KASR为1.01(屈曲峰值)和0.967(初次接触)。在80名男性受试者中,有18名(22.5%)的外翻呈阳性(6例初次接触KASR,2例最大屈曲KASR,10例初次接触和峰屈曲KASR),没有男性受试者筛查严重风险阳性。男性的平均KASR为1.26(最大屈曲度)和1.13(初次接触)。比较筛查KASR阳性的雄性和雌性,与初次接触比雌性多的雌性的雌性,KASR之间存在显着的性别差异(p <0.001)(表1)。结论:我们的发现表明,便携式,廉价的运动分析设备可以在青年运动员进行DVJ期间检测动态外翻。大规模筛查动态外翻是安全有效的。确定了男性和女性之间神经肌肉失衡的已知性别差异。这些信息可能用于有针对性的预防伤害,这很有吸引力,需要进一步调查。



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