
Oesophageal atresia




Oesophageal atresia (OA) encompasses a group of congenital anomalies comprising of an interruption of the continuity of the oesophagus with or without a persistent communication with the trachea. In 86% of cases there is a distal tracheooesophageal fistula, in 7% there is no fistulous connection, while in 4% there is a tracheooesophageal fistula without atresia. OA occurs in 1 in 2500 live births. Infants with OA are unable to swallow saliva and are noted to have excessive salivation requiring repeated suctioning. Associated anomalies occur in 50% of cases, the majority involving one or more of the VACTERL association (vertebral, anorectal, cardiac, tracheooesophageal, renal and limb defects). The aetiology is largely unknown and is likely to be multifactorial, however, various clues have been uncovered in animal experiments particularly defects in the expression of the gene Sonic hedgehog (Shh). The vast majority of cases are sporadic and the recurrence risk for siblings is 1%. The diagnosis may be suspected prenatally by a small or absent stomach bubble on antenatal ultrasound scan at around 18 weeks gestation. The likelihood of an atresia is increased by the presence of polyhydramnios. A nasogastric tube should be passed at birth in all infants born to a mother with polyhydramnios as well as to infants who are excessively mucusy soon after delivery to establish or refute the diagnosis. In OA the tube will not progress beyond 10 cm from the mouth (confirmation is by plain X-ray of the chest and abdomen). Definitive management comprises disconnection of the tracheooesophageal fistula, closure of the tracheal defect and primary anastomosis of the oesophagus. Where there is a "long gap" between the ends of the oesophagus, delayed primary repair should be attempted. Only very rarely will an oesophageal replacement be required. Survival is directly related to birth weight and to the presence of a major cardiac defect. Infants weighing over 1500 g and having no major cardiac problem should have a near 100% survival, while the presence of one of the risk factors reduces survival to 80% and further to 30–50% in the presence of both risk factors.
机译:食道闭锁(OA)涵盖了一组先天性异常,包括食管连续性的中断以及是否与气管持续沟通。在86%的病例中有远端气管食管瘘,在7%中没有瘘管连接,而在4%的病例中有无闭锁的气管食管瘘。 2500例活产中有1例发生OA。患有OA的婴儿无法吞咽唾液,并且注意到唾液分泌过多,需要反复抽吸。相关异常发生在50%的病例中,大多数涉及VACTERL关联中的一种或多种(椎体,肛门直肠,心脏,气管食管,肾脏和四肢缺损)。病因很大程度上是未知的,可能是多因素的,但是,在动物实验中发现了各种线索,尤其是音速刺猬(Shh)基因表达的缺陷。绝大多数病例是零星的,兄弟姐妹的复发风险为1%。可能在妊娠18周左右时进行产前超声扫描时发现胃泡小或不存在,怀疑产前诊断。羊水过多的存在会增加闭锁的可能性。患有羊水过多的母亲所生的所有婴儿,以及分娩后不久粘液过多的婴儿,都应在出生时通过鼻胃管以建立或反驳诊断。在OA中,试管距嘴的距离不会超过10厘米(通过胸部和腹部的X线检查证实)。确定性管理包括气管食管瘘的断开,气管缺损的闭合和食管的原发性吻合。如果食管末端之间存在“长间隙”,则应尝试延迟初步修复。仅极少数情况下需要更换食道。生存与出生体重和主要心脏缺陷的存在直接相关。体重超过1500 g且没有严重心脏问题的婴儿应具有接近100%的存活率,而其中一种危险因素的存在会使存活率降低至80%,而两种危险因素的存在则进一步降低至30–50%。



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