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Vertical Transmission Rate of HIV from Seropositive Mothers Followed in the Different Care Centers in Kinshasa from 2010 to 2015




Background: In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the use of Prevention of Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection from mother to child is still very low. Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of infants born from HIV-positive mother in different centers in Kinshasa. Methods: This study is a retrospective cohort of at least 2 years on the records of mother-child couple followed in 8 centers of Kinshasa. Based on a sample survey form with specific criteria, some files were selected. Results: The record keeping of all centers was estimated at 70% on average; the most represe nted age group was from 26 to 35 years with 102 women (54%) out of 190. Forty-five percent (45%) of pregnant women started pre-natal consultation (CPN) in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. All mothers had been diagnosed with 3 Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT). The majority of women were under: AZT 3TC NVP and CTX and 139 (73%) women were diagnosed at stage 1 of HIV infection according to WHO’s standard. One hundred new born were male. Seventy-eight newborns weighed between 2.01 and 3.00 kg at birth. Ninety seven percent of newborns were treated at birth. Ninety-one children who were on Nevirapine syrup; six of them were not put on treatment. Ninety five percent of newborns were diagnosed HIV-negative 9 months after birth by PCR; 2% of children were undiagnosed as a result of refusal and 3% of children had undetermined serology. This gives a mother-to-child transmission rate of 2% at 9 months of birth for the centers of Kinshasa. Conclusion: Despite the insufficient coverage of the PMTCT service in our community, the centers in Kinshasa respond to the PMTCT approach and the transmission rate in the 8 centers of 4 districts of Kinshasa is 2%.
机译:背景:在刚果民主共和国,预防人类免疫缺陷病毒从母婴传播的使用率仍然很低。目的:本研究的目的是评估金沙萨不同中心的艾滋病毒阳性母亲所生婴儿的患病率。方法:本研究是对金沙萨8个中心的母子夫妇的记录进行的至少2年的回顾性研究。基于具有特定标准的样本调查表,选择了一些文件。结果:所有中心的记录保持率平均估计为70%;最有代表的年龄组是26岁至35岁,其中190名女性中有102名女性(54%)。百分之四十五(45%)的孕妇在怀孕的第二三个月开始了产前咨询。所有母亲均被诊断出接受了3次快速诊断测试(RDT)。大部分女性处于以下状态:根据WHO的标准,AZT 3TC NVP和CTX和139名(73%)妇女在HIV感染的第一阶段被诊断出。一百个新出生的是男性。七十八名新生儿出生时体重在2.01至3.00千克之间。百分之九十七的新生儿在出生时得到了治疗。服用奈韦拉平糖浆的91名儿童;其中六个没有接受治疗。 95%的新生儿在出生后9个月被PCR诊断为阴性。拒绝的结果导致2%的儿童未被诊断出,血清学不确定的儿童占3%。这样金沙萨中心的母婴传播率在出生9个月时为2%。结论:尽管我们社区中PMTCT服务的覆盖面不足,但金沙萨的中心对PMTCT的方法做出了反应,金沙萨4个地区的8个中心的传输率是2%。



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