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William Allen White and "What's the Matter with Kansas?" Once More

机译:威廉·艾伦·怀特(William Allen White)和“堪萨斯州有什么事?”再一次



While certainly history never repeats itself, numerous historical problems associated with creating a civil society do. The history of Kansas seems to highlight this assumption quite well, and within the last 110 years, two popular writers have asked the same question: a€?Whata€?s the Matter with Kansas?a€? William Allen White had a clear answer to this in 1896, but as is often the case with people, as he aged, matured, experienced life, he came to a different set of conclusions decades later. The ripening of his thinking, especially that pertaining to those traits defining a viable human community, has much to recommend present-day Kansans as we struggle to shape our modern lives.
机译:当然,历史永远不会重演,但是与创建公民社会相关的许多历史问题却会重演。堪萨斯州的历史似乎很好地突显了这一假设,并且在过去110年中,两位受欢迎的作家都提出了相同的问题:“堪萨斯州的问题是什么?”威廉·艾伦·怀特(William Allen White)在1896年对此做出了明确的回答,但是随着人们的年龄增长,成熟,经历过生活,这种情况经常出现,几十年后他得出了一系列不同的结论。随着我们努力塑造现代生活,他的思想的成熟,尤其是与那些定义了一个可行的人类社区的特征有关的思想的成熟,有很多值得推荐的建议。



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