首页> 外文期刊>Optica pura y aplicada >Influence of the number of re-emitters on a diffuser modelling for the optimization stage

Influence of the number of re-emitters on a diffuser modelling for the optimization stage




Inside the process of optical design, the diffusion phenomenon is usually set apart until the final stage: the study of tolerances. So, its influence is evalu a ted considering the whole of the system after having designed it taking into account all other parameters. The phenomenon of diffusion is relevant in many optical designs and its influence can determine the final design. So, this procedure, relegating diffusion to stage study , does not means that its influence over the system isn't heavy, but stems from the high computational cost of considering it on earlier stages. But there is a way to include it before the tolerances study stage by using a dual optimization process with an on/ off mechanism. Thus the best system configuration is obtained considering the diffusion. In order to reduce the computation time we adjust dynamically the values of the diffuser model control parameters. The number of re - emitters is one of these strategic control parameters , inside this para meter are included two different values, the number of reemitting focus and the number of reemitting rays considered . Varying this value , different degrees of model accuracy can be obtained, allowing to adapt the model accuracy depending on the merit funct ion instantaneous value. In this paper we analyse the use of a diffuser model , var y i ng the parameter of the number of reemitters , and its influence on optical system computer aided design (CAD). We make so by employing a simple system consisting on a light source, a biconvex lens, on which the diffusion model is applied only on the second surface, and a detection display.



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