首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Forestry >Estimation of Potential GHG Emission Reduction through Corresponded REDD Plus Activities in Remote Area in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia—Case Study in the Paduran Area

Estimation of Potential GHG Emission Reduction through Corresponded REDD Plus Activities in Remote Area in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia—Case Study in the Paduran Area

机译:通过印度尼西亚加里曼丹中部偏远地区的相应REDD +活动估算潜在的温室气体排放量—帕杜兰地区的案例研究



REDD plus activities corresponded in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia and their GHG emission reductions potential were analyzed. Target area is located in a remote area from Pa-langkaraya, Capital of Central Kalimantan Province and consisted of immigrating people mainly from Java Island. In the target area, most of local people conducted unsustainable land use activities (e.g. slash-and-burn agriculture). From analysis of past land use in the target area, there were drastic changes in land use from 1989 after migration began. Natural secondary forest with high density was greatly reduced (2010 levels are approximately 80% of 1996 levels) and converted to cropland and settlement. Also, the reduction in natural secondary forest with high density allowed Melaleuca cajuputi Powell forest to rapidly increase in size (2010 levels are approximately 3.7 times as 1996 levels). Additionally, as marked point, there was an increase in oil palm plantations from 2008 and onwards. From results of land use change in the past, mean annual GHG emissions of 5450 Gg CO2e year-1 had been continued until year 2010. To consider counter-measure for reducing GHG emissions in the target area, the relationship between past land use changes and human activities was analyzed through workshops with stakeholders of 6 different groups (village authorities, forest fire fighting team, members of farmers group, large landowners, workers outside of village and oil palm plantation and mother having small children). The results of the workshops showed that the core problem of unsustainable land use faced by 4 of the 6 groups of stakeholders was the lack of job opportunities (means to earn a living) in the target area. Also, it was learned that core groups considered oil palm plantations is to alleviate the problem and provide a source of alternative income. Furthermore, the workshops indicated that future land use scenario (reference scenario) will be based on income from oil palm plantations and, to prevent such land conversion, counter-measures (REDD plus project scenario) of indirect activities of local people’s lifestyle improvement (e.g. A new forestry system which uses abundant resources of M. cajuputi forest) and reducing pressures on forest resources should be introduced. This study indicated, by implementing REDD plus project in the target area, potential reduction in GHG emissions is quite large and such GHG reduction will be essential as mitigation activities under the new mitigation mechanism, the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) between Indonesia and Japan.
机译:REDD加上印尼中部加里曼丹省的活动,分析了其温室气体减排潜力。目标地区位于加里曼丹省中部省会Pa-langkaraya的偏远地区,主要由爪哇岛的移民组成。在目标地区,大多数当地人进行了不可持续的土地利用活动(例如,刀耕火种的农业)。根据对目标地区过去土地利用的分析,迁移开始后的1989年以来土地利用发生了巨大变化。高密度的天然次生林被大大减少(2010年的水平约为1996年水平的80%),并转化为农田和定居点。此外,高密度天然次生林的减少使Malealeuca cajuputi Powell森林的大小迅速增加(2010年的水平约为1996年水平的3.7倍)。此外,值得注意的是,自2008年起,油棕种植面积有所增加。根据过去土地使用变化的结果,第一年的年均温室气体排放量为5450 Gg CO2e,一直持续到2010年。为考虑减少目标地区温室气体排放的对策,过去土地使用变化与通过与6个不同团体的利益相关者(村庄当局,森林消防队,农民团体的成员,大地主,村庄外的工人和油棕种植园以及有小孩的母亲)的研讨会对人类活动进行了分析。讲习班的结果表明,六类利益攸关方中的四个利益相关者面临的土地不可持续利用的核心问题是目标地区缺乏工作机会(谋生手段)。另外,据了解,核心团体认为油棕种植是为了缓解这一问题并提供替代收入来源。此外,讲习班还指出,未来的土地使用情景(参考情景)将基于油棕种植园的收入,并且为防止这种土地转换,采取了针对当地人民生活方式改善的间接活动的对策(REDD加项目情景)。应该引入一种新的林业系统,该系统利用茂密的毛竹林资源,减轻对森林资源的压力。这项研究表明,通过在目标地区实施REDD plus项目,潜在的温室气体排放量将大大减少,而这种温室气体减排将是印度尼西亚和日本之间新的减排机制,联合信贷机制(JCM)下的减排活动必不可少的。



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