首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Geology >The Petrography, Mineralography and Microprobe Analysis on New Exploratory Excavation Phase in Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine Pit and Comparing Them with Existing Data from the Other Area in South West Sarcheshmeh

The Petrography, Mineralography and Microprobe Analysis on New Exploratory Excavation Phase in Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine Pit and Comparing Them with Existing Data from the Other Area in South West Sarcheshmeh




Kerman region where Sarcheshmeh zone is located includes the end part of Uremia-Dokhtar Zone. Extrusive igneous group in Sarcheshmeh is as follows: 1) andesite and 2) rhyodacite. The group of intrusive igneous rocks includes 1) porphyry granite, 2) porphyry granodiorite, and 3) porphyry diorite. Nochoon mine is located at 4 km of southwest of Sarcheshmeh copper mine and it comprises of a group of extrusive igneous rocks as follows: 1) andesite, and 2) dacite. Based on results of microprobe analysis, pyroxene mineral’s composition in these rocks of diopside and augite indicates amphiboles of composite zone of magnesium hosting type and existing plagioclases in regional rock for labradorite and bitonit composition. The most common compounds are chlorite with formula among antigorite and amosite. Comparison of magnetite mineralization in Sarcheshmeh and Nochoon indicates vein mineralization in Nochoon and disseminated granulation in Sarcheshmeh and particularly concerning to chalcopyrite, Nochoon includes more veins than Sarcheshmeh.
机译:Sarcheshmeh区所在的Kerman地区包括Uremia-Dokhtar区的末端。 Sarcheshmeh中的喷发火成岩群如下:1)安山岩和2)流纹岩。侵入性火成岩群包括1)斑岩花岗石,2)斑岩花岗闪长石和3)斑岩闪长岩。 Nochoon矿位于Sarcheshmeh铜矿西南方4公里处,由一组喷出的火成岩组成,如下:1)安山岩,2)辉绿岩。根据微探针分析的结果,辉石和辉石的这些岩石中的辉石矿物成分表明,镁质寄主型复合带与区域性岩石中存在的斜长石组成的闪石,构成了拉长石和辉长岩的组成。最常见的化合物是亚氯酸盐,其化学式为反蛇纹石和铁石。 Sarcheshmeh和Nochoon的磁铁矿矿化比较表明,Nochoon的矿脉矿化和Sarcheshmeh的弥散颗粒状,特别是关于黄铜矿,Nochoon的矿脉比Sarcheshmeh多。



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