首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Geology >The Underground Water Level Simulation in Imamzadeh Jafar Plateau by the Use of Mudflow Software

The Underground Water Level Simulation in Imamzadeh Jafar Plateau by the Use of Mudflow Software

机译:使用Mudflow软件模拟Imamzadeh Jafar高原的地下水位



The most secure method in providing water in the dry and semi-dry regions is the use of underground water sources and due to over consumption of water aquifers capacities, most of fields and specially Imamzadeh Jafar are faced with negative performance and balance, which threatens the land subsiding. The plateau with the annual raining of 438 millimeters has 169 deep and semi-deep wells with annual 36.68 million consumption and this issue has increased the research signification, in order to protect and relive the required water aquifers, there is a need to predict the underground water level accurately in different condition. In this research, by the use of balance equation and modflow software in Imamzadeh Jafar, water aquifer was analyzed within seven scenario. The underground water level evaluation for the short run periods for 2 years and middle term of 4 years and 12 years of long term was performed; and the results showed that the performance and balance of the plateau was increased due to increase of water consumption compared to the water aquifer quantity in the region that was negative. To the point that the 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 scenarios (minimum 0.17 and maximum -11.34) and 2, 6 scenarios in different timely periods show that the underground water saving volume is positive (minimum 3.64 and maximum 19.83).
机译:在干旱和半干旱地区供水的最安全方法是使用地下水源,并且由于过度消耗了含水层的能力,大多数田地,尤其是Imamzadeh Jafar都面临着负面的表现和平衡,这威胁到地下水资源的安全。土地沉降。年降水量438毫米的高原有169口深井和半深井,年消耗量为3468万,这个问题增加了研究意义,为了保护和重用所需的含水层,有必要预测地下在不同条件下准确地测量水位。在这项研究中,通过使用Imamzadeh Jafar中的平衡方程和modflow软件,在七个场景中分析了含水层。进行了短期2年,中期4年和长期12年的地下水位评估;结果表明,与耗水量相比,在负值区域,由于耗水量的增加,高原的性能和平衡得到了提高。以不同时间段的1、3、4、5、7个方案(最小为0.17,最大为-11.34)和2、6个方案为例,表明节水量为正(最小为3.64,最大为19.83)。



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