




Purpose. To study the efficiency of a combined method for laser treatment – the laser iridectomy in combination with the selective laser trabeculoplasty? (LIE+SLTP)? –? in? patients? with? primary? narrow-angle (mixed) glaucoma. Material and methods . The study included 72 patients (72 eyes) with initial stage of primary narrow-angle (mixed) glaucoma. The average age of the patients was 65.1±6.56 years: 27 males, 43 females. The followup period was up to 4 years after laser treatment. The level of intraocular pressure (Р 0 ) before the treatment was on average 24.47±1.85mmHg. The mean quantity of antihypertensive drugs used by the patients before the laser operation was 2.2±0.4. Stages of the combined treatment: laser iridectomy and selective laser trabeculoplasty were performed immediately one after the other in all patients. Results. All laser interventions were carried out without complications.An extension of the anterior chamber angle (ACA) was achieved in all patients, which was confirmed by data of gonioscopy and anterior optical coherence tomography (OCT). On? the? 1st? day? after? the? combined? laser? treatment,? the? reactive elevation of IOP was observed in 9.7% of cases and was stopped by an additional antihypertensive therapy within 1-2 days. Other complications such as inflammatory, hemorrhagic were not detected. A week after laser treatment there was a significant decrease (p&0.05) of intraocular pressure (IOP) by 6.9mmHg on average (28.2%) of the original. In the long-term postoperative follow-up period, the average decrease of IOP was? 23.4%.? Ophthalmotonus? normalization? occurred? with? increasing the coefficient of aqueous humor outflow facility (C) from 0.09±0.01 to 0.18±0.01 (p&0.05). In the long-term postoperative follow-up the IOP normalization was achieved in 87.5% of cases (63 eyes of 72). The IOP decrease to normal occurred in 9 eyes after the repeated SLT. The average number of antihypertensive agents that were used by the examined patients after the treatment decreased and averaged 1.02±0.1. The visual acuity remained unchanged in 80.5% of cases. The decrease of the vision was due to the progression of complicated cataract. Limits of peripheral visual field remained stable by the end of the follow-up period in 96% of cases. Within the observation period, according to computer perimetry data, negative dynamics was recorded in 6 patients (6 eyes out of 72 – 8.3%). According to HRT, negative dynamics in the form of a decrease in the volume of the neural rim, an increase in the area of the optic disc excavation was noted in 7% of cases (5 eyes of 72). Conclusion. ? The? proposed? method? of? combined? laser? treatment allows to achieve the IOP normalization due to an expansion of ACA after LIE with a subsequent activation of trabecula by SLT in 87.5% of patients. Ophthalmotonus normalization, stabilization of visual functions and indicators of the optic nerve conditions in the vast majority of patients in the long-term postoperative period proves the efficiency of the proposed technique in the treatment of patients with the initial stage of primary narrow-angle? (mixed)? glaucoma.? The? simultaneous? operation? of? two stages – laser iridectomy and SLT is safely and enables significantly to reduce the duration of treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
机译:目的。要研究激光联合治疗方法的效率–激光虹膜切除术结合选择性激光小梁成形术? (LIE + SLTP)? –?在?耐心?与?主?窄角(混合型)青光眼。材料与方法 。该研究纳入了72例(72眼)原发性窄角(混合型)青光眼患者。患者的平均年龄为65.1±6.56岁:男27例,女43例。激光治疗后的随访期长达4年。治疗前的眼压水平(Р0)平均为24.47±1.85mmHg。激光手术前患者平均使用降压药的量为2.2±0.4。联合治疗的阶段:在所有患者中,一个接一个地立即进行激光虹膜切除术和选择性激光小梁成形术。结果。所有的激光手术均无并发症,所有患者均获得了前房角延长(ACA),这通过测角镜和前光学相干断层扫描(OCT)数据得以证实。上?那个?第一吗天?后?那个?结合在一起?激光?治疗,?那个?在9.7%的病例中观察到IOP的反应性升高,并在1-2天内通过额外的降压治疗停止。未检测到其他并发症,例如炎症,出血。激光治疗一周后,眼内压(IOP)显着降低(p <0.05),平均降低了6.9mmHg(28.2%)。在长期的术后随访期间,眼压的平均下降是? 23.4%。?眼肌?正常化?发生?与?将房水流出设施(C)的系数从0.09±0.01增加到0.18±0.01(p <0.05)。在长期的术后随访中,87.5%的病例(72眼中的63眼)实现了IOP正常化。重复SLT后9眼发生IOP降至正常。治疗后被检查患者使用的平均降压药数量减少,平均为1.02±0.1。在80.5%的病例中视力保持不变。视力下降是由于复杂性白内障的进展。到随访期末,在96%的病例中周围视野的范围保持稳定。在观察期内,根据计算机视野检查数据,有6位患者(72眼– 8.3%中的6眼)记录了负动态。根据HRT的研究,在7%的病例中(72眼5眼)出现了负动力,表现为神经边缘体积减少,视盘开挖面积增加。结论。 ?该?建议?方法?的?结合在一起?激光?由于LIE后ACA的扩大以及SLT对小梁的激活,在87.5%的患者中,这种治疗可以实现IOP正常化。术后长期眼睑患者眼睑正常化,视觉功能稳定和视神经状况指标证明了该技术在原发性窄角初期患者中的有效性。 (混合)?青光眼。?该?同时?操作?的?激光虹膜切除术和SLT分为两个阶段,这是安全的,可显着减少患者的治疗时间和康复时间。


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