Currently, communication system requires multiband small antennas for 5G mobile applications. Driven this motivation, this paper proposes a multiband patch antenna for Wi'/> Design of a Multiband Patch Antenna for 5G Communication Systems
首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation >Design of a Multiband Patch Antenna for 5G Communication Systems

Design of a Multiband Patch Antenna for 5G Communication Systems




style="text-align:justify;"> Currently, communication system requires multiband small antennas for 5G mobile applications. Driven this motivation, this paper proposes a multiband patch antenna for Wi-Fi, WiMAX and 5G applications. The proposed antenna can effectively operate at 2.4 GHz as Wi-Fi, 7.8 GHz as WiMAX and 33.5 GHz as 5G communication purposes. The proposed antenna arrays have given directional radiation patterns, very small voltage standing wave ratio, high gain (VSWR) and directivity for each aforementioned systems operating frequency. This antenna is made for multiband purpose which can be effective for not only Wi-Fi and WiMAX but also 5G applications.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”>当前,通信系统需要用于5G移动应用的多频带小型天线。在这种动机的驱使下,本文提出了一种用于Wi-Fi,WiMAX和5G应用的多频带贴片天线。拟议中的天线可以有效地在2.4 GHz的Wi-Fi下运行,在7.8 GHz的WiMAX和在33.5 GHz上实现5G通信。所提出的天线阵列对于每个前述系统工作频率已经给出了定向辐射方向图,非常小的电压驻波比,高增益(VSWR)和方向性。该天线是为多频段目的而制造的,不仅对Wi-Fi和WiMAX都有效,而且对5G应用也有效。



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