首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Biología Tropical >The dietary habits of the upside-down catfish, Synodontis membranaceus (Osteichthyes: Mochokidae) in Jebba lake, Nigeria

The dietary habits of the upside-down catfish, Synodontis membranaceus (Osteichthyes: Mochokidae) in Jebba lake, Nigeria

机译:尼日利亚杰布巴湖倒立cat鱼Synodontis membranaceus(Osteichthyes:Mochokidae)的饮食习惯



Dietary habits of the up side-down Mochokid catfish, Synodontis membranaceus were investigated for 24 months (April 2002-March 2004, in Jebba lake, Nigeria) using frequency of occurrence, numerical, gravimetric and index of relative importance (RI) methods. The fish is euryphagus and feeds more at night. RI values indicate that 10 of the 16 food items were major diet components. The main five food categories are detritus (10.64 %), Aspatharia (9.08 %), plant parts (8.85 %), seeds (8.61 %) and Spirogyra (8.43 %), while the 5 less prominent food categories were gastropods (7.05 %), insect appendages (6.88 %), copepods (6.31 %), adult Povilla adusta (5.89 %) and coleoptera larvae (5.36 %). The remaining six food items, dragon flies, P. adusta larvae, chironomid larvae, Daphnia, water mites and fish scales had RI values considerably under 5 %. The prominence of detritus in the diet indicated that the fish is a bottom or benthic feeder. The wide variability in food supply enables S. membranaceus to maintain its overwhelming prominence in Jebba lake, and its euryphagus habit makes it suited for pond culture. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 931-936. Epub 2008 June 30.
机译:使用发生频率,数值,重量分析和相对重要性指数(RI)方法调查了倒立的莫科基德cat鱼Synodontis membranaceus的饮食习惯,为期24个月(2002年4月至2004年3月,在尼日利亚杰布湖)。鱼是食道动物,晚上摄食更多。 RI值表明16种食物中有10种是主要的饮食成分。五种主要食物是碎屑(10.64%),芦笋(9.08%),植物部分(8.85%),种子(8.61%)和螺旋藻(8.43%),而5种不太突出的食物是腹足动物(7.05%) ,昆虫附肢(6.88%),co足类动物(6.31%),成年的Povilla adusta(5.89%)和鞘翅目幼虫(5.36%)。其余六种食物(蜻蜓,印度对虾幼虫,尺虫幼虫,水蚤,水螨和鱼鳞)的RI值大大低于5%。饮食中碎屑的突出表明该鱼是底部或底栖的饲养者。食物供应的广泛变化使S. membranaceus能够在Jebba湖中保持压倒性优势,并且其食道性习性使其适合池塘养殖。 Rev.Biol。放下56(2):931-936。 Epub 2008年6月30日。



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