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Characteristics of Japanese medical students associated with their intention for rural practice




Introduction: In Japan, the maldistribution of physicians between urban and rural areas is increasing. It is important to know the practice location expectations of future physicians.Methods: The study was designed as a cross-sectional survey. In 2009-2013, students at a medical school in Japan completed a questionnaire containing 50 items with four-point Likert scales. The students rated the importance of specified individual and occupational aspects. Furthermore, students were asked to state their intention to practice in a rural area.Results: The study sample consisted of 368 students (88.2% response rate). Significant variables that were associated with a positively motivated intent for rural practice were 'presence of a role model' (odds ratio (OR), 5.42; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.58-18.5), 'admission by school recommendation' (OR, 7.68; 95%CI, 2.14-27.6), 'growing up in a rural area' (OR, 6.16; 95%CI, 1.01-37.6), 'general medicine/family medicine as the first career choice' (OR, 5.88; 95%CI, 2.43-14.2), 'interest in the targeted population' (OR, 16.7; 95%CI, 3.97-69.9), 'memorable experience at a class or clinical rotation' (OR, 3.94; 95%CI, 3.73-416), and 'location of their medical school' (OR, 11.4; 95%CI, 2.79-46.2). Conclusions: The present study suggests that medical schools might recruit students with characteristics associated with intention for rural practice.
机译:简介:在日本,城乡之间医师分配的不平衡现象正在加剧。重要的是要了解未来医生的实践位置期望。方法:本研究旨在作为横断面调查。在2009年至2013年间,日本一所医学院的学生完成了一份问卷,该问卷包含50项带有四点李克特量表的项目。学生对特定的个人和职业方面的重要性进行了评估。此外,还要求学生陈述他们打算在农村地区进行练习的结果。结果:研究样本包括368名学生(88.2%的回应率)。与积极积极的农村实践意愿相关的重要变量是``榜样的存在''(优势比(OR),5.42; 95%置信区间(CI),1.58-18.5),``通过学校推荐入学''( OR,7.68; 95%CI,2.14-27.6),“在农村地区长大”(OR,6.16; 95%CI,1.01-37.6),“以普通医学/家庭医学为职业首选”(OR, 5.88; 95%CI,2.43-14.2),“对目标人群的兴趣”(OR,16.7; 95%CI,3.97-69.9),“在课堂或临床轮换中难忘的经历”(OR,3.94; 95%CI ,3.73-416)和“医学院所在地”(OR,11.4; 95%CI,2.79-46.2)。结论:本研究表明,医学院校可以招收具有农村实践意愿特征的学生。



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