首页> 外文期刊>Romanian Biotechnology Letters >Influence of Different Types of Substrate on the Anaerobic Fermentation Process

Influence of Different Types of Substrate on the Anaerobic Fermentation Process




With the growing prices on fossil fuels and the negative impact that they have on the environment it can see the necessity to integrate renewable source energy for consumption. One of these that stand forward is biogas produced from anaerobic fermentation process. This type of energy diminishes the impact on the environment by reducing greenhouse gases and is useful for producing electrical and thermal energy. Anaerobe fermentation process is regarded as a good solution because of two aspects: producing energy and giving a solution to rising quantities of junk. Biomass used in order to obtain biogas can be formed from urban solid and liquid garbage, animal and vegetal mass dejections. In the case of animal dejections they are being mixed with energetic plants or agricultural residue. The processing is realized by anaerobic fermentation process. The mix used for producing biogas was formed from animal dejections (bovine and pork) with energetic plant grind (Miscanthus giganteus) with different dimensions. Production of biomass expressed after 22 days of anaerobic fermentation showed the influence of energetic plants on the process of anaerobic fermentation. The three recipes used in the present paper were composed out of bovine dejections and Miscanthus green leaves mix of different dimensions (between 2-9cm), production of biomass being recorded for each type of recipe being tested, and the percentages that compose the biogas were recorded (CH; % v/Wv, H2S % v/v and CO2 % v/v). Results showed that the largest production of biogas with highest concentration of methane was obtained for the recipe in which green leaves of Miscanthus with dimensions of 2 to 5 cm were added.
机译:随着化石燃料价格的上涨以及它们对环境的负面影响,可以看到有必要整合可再生能源用于消费。突出的其中之一是厌氧发酵过程产生的沼气。这种能源通过减少温室气体减少对环境的影响,可用于生产电能和热能。厌氧菌发酵工艺被认为是一个很好的解决方案,原因有两个方面:产生能量和解决垃圾数量增加的问题。用于获得沼气的生物质可由城市的固体和液体垃圾,动物和植物的体量下降形成。如果是动物粪便,它们会与高能植物或农业残留物混合。该处理是通过厌氧发酵工艺实现的。用于生产沼气的混合物是由动物粪便(牛和猪肉)与不同尺寸的高能植物碾磨物(芒草)形成的。厌氧发酵22天后表达的生物量产生显示了高能植物对厌氧发酵过程的影响。本文中使用的三种配方由不同尺寸(2-9cm之间)的牛粪和芒草绿叶混合物组成,记录了每种要测试的配方的生物量产量,并计算了组成沼气的百分比。记录(CH;%v / Wv,H2S%v / v和CO2%v / v)。结果表明,配方中添加了2到5 cm尺寸的芒草绿叶,配方中甲烷含量最高的沼气产量最高。



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