首页> 外文期刊>Romanian Biotechnology Letters >Pathogenicity on grapevine and sporulation of E. lata isolates originating from Serbia

Pathogenicity on grapevine and sporulation of E. lata isolates originating from Serbia




Pathogenicity of four isolates of Eutypa lata originating from Serbia (VL 17, VL 27, VL 29, VL 30) and two French reference isolates (8F and BX 1.10), were examined and compared on unrooted cuttings of Cabernet Sauvignon. Additionally, susceptibility to infection by all six isolates of E. lata was tested on unrooted cuttings of six different grapevine cultivars including Riesling white, Opuzenska rana, Sauvignon, Radmilovacki muskat, Beogradska besemena and Negotinski rubin in greenhouse experiments. All tested isolates proved to be pathogenic on Cabernet Sauvignon. Moreover, each grapevine cultivar showed different degrees of susceptibility to infection depending on the E. lata isolate. The effect of different culture media (PDA, MA, GWA, YA, WA and TA) on both sporulation of E. lata isolates and germination of conidia was also studied. Sporulation occurred after 30 days in three media (PDA, MA, GWA) and after 2 months on WA. No sporulation was observed on YA and TA. The ability of conidia to germinate was assessed on PDA, MA, GWA and WA under continuous UV light. Calculation revealed that the average percentage germination of conidia was very low 0,15%.
机译:在赤霞珠赤霞珠无根插条上,检查并比较了四种来自塞尔维亚的Eutypa lata分离株(VL 17,VL 27,VL 29,VL 30)和两个法国参考分离株(8F和BX 1.10)的致病性。另外,在温室试验中,在六个不同葡萄品种的无根插条上测试了对大肠杆菌的所有六个分离株的感染敏感性,这些葡萄品种包括雷司令白,奥普岑斯卡·雷纳,长相思,拉德米洛瓦奇·穆斯卡特,贝格拉斯卡·贝塞梅纳和Negotinski rubin。所有测试的分离物均被证明对赤霞珠具有致病性。此外,每个葡萄品种对大肠杆菌的感染敏感性都不同。还研究了不同培养基(PDA,MA,GWA,YA,WA和TA)对大肠杆菌分离物的孢子形成和分生孢子萌发的影响。在三种培养基(PDA,MA,GWA)中放置30天后,在WA中放置2个月后出现孢子形成。在YA和TA上未观察到孢子形成。在连续紫外光下,在PDA,MA,GWA和WA上评估了分生孢子的萌发能力。计算表明,分生孢子的平均发芽率非常低,仅为0.15%。



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