首页> 外文期刊>Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad >A new deep-sea species of the genus Gracilimesus (Isopoda: Asellota: Ischnomesidae) from the Bay of Campeche, southwestern Gulf of Mexico

A new deep-sea species of the genus Gracilimesus (Isopoda: Asellota: Ischnomesidae) from the Bay of Campeche, southwestern Gulf of Mexico




A new deep-sea species of isopod is described and illustrated. The material was collected in soft substratum in the Bay of Campeche, SW Gulf of Mexico, at a depth of 2,548 m aboard the research vessel “Justo Sierra” on September 4, 2009. Gracilimesus tzasnae sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other known species by its antennula with 5 articles; uropod length vs. pleotelson 0.3×; pereonite 7 not reduced; pereopod 7 absent; pleotelson dorsal surface smooth and not separated in lateral fields. The new species represents the first described Gracilimesus in the Gulf of Mexico. We present a table with the most important diagnostic characters to separate all the known species of the genus Gracilimesus .
机译:描述和说明了一种新的等脚深海物种。该材料于2009年9月4日在“ Justo Sierra”号研究船的2,548 m深度处在墨西哥西南部坎佩切湾的软基底中收集。Gracilimesus tzasnae sp。十一月可以通过五种动物的触角与其他所有已知物种区分开; uropod长度vs. pleotelson 0.3倍;钙铁矿7不减少;骨脚7缺位; pleotelson背表面光滑,在侧向区域不分开。新物种代表了墨西哥湾中最早描述的Gracilimesus。我们提供了具有最重要诊断特征的表格,以区分所有已知的Gracilimesus属。



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