首页> 外文期刊>Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública >Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries: Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago

Interpersonal violence in three Caribbean countries: Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago




OBJECTIVES: This article reports the prevalence of two types of interpersonal violence (IPV) (sexual and physical) and one type of aggression (psychological) in three low-to-middle-income Caribbean countries. It examines IPV among adolescents and young adults as both victims and perpetrators. METHODS: This population-based study compares the experiences of 15-30 year olds in countries at different levels of socioeconomic development. The Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) and other behavioral instruments were used to assess the level and characteristics of IPV. RESULTS: Out of 3 401 respondents, 70.9% reported victimization by some form of violence, which was most commonly perpetrated by a relationship partner (62.8%). Sexual violence victimization was reported more commonly by women, and was highest in Jamaica. Significant between-country differences in overall levels of reported physical violence, and psychological aggression, were evident when stratifying by perpetrator type. CONCLUSIONS: The very high levels of reported IPV indicate very high levels of tolerance among victims, and suggest a culture of violence and of adversarial intimate relationships may be well entrenched. The findings support the view that co-occurrence of general interpersonal violence and partner violence may be limited, and that one may not necessarily be a predictor of the other. They also reveal that, among partners, not only are there no gender differentials in victimization by physical violence, but more women than men are self-reporting as perpetrators of this type of IPV.
机译:目的:本文报告了在三个加勒比海中低收入国家中,两种类型的人际暴力(性暴力和肉体暴力)和一种类型的侵略性(心理暴力)的流行情况。它检查了作为受害者和作案者的青少年和年轻人中的IPV。方法:这项基于人群的研究比较了不同社会经济发展水平的国家中15-30岁年龄段的经历。修订后的冲突策略量表(CTS2)和其他行为工具被用来评估IPV的水平和特征。结果:在3 401位受访者中,有70.9%的人报告称遭受某种形式的暴力侵害,其中最常见的是伴侣的暴力行为(62.8%)。妇女遭受性暴力侵害的报道更为普遍,在牙买加是最高的。按犯罪者类型分层时,在报告的人身暴力和心理侵略总体水平上,国家间存在明显差异。结论:IPV的报道水平很高,表明受害者之间的容忍程度很高,这表明暴力文化和对抗性亲密关系可能根深蒂固。这些发现支持这样一种观点,即一般人际暴力和伴侣暴力的共同发生可能是有限的,而且一个不一定是另一个的预测因素。他们还表明,在伴侣之间,不仅人身暴力在受害方面没有性别差异,而且自称是这类IPV犯罪者的妇女多于男子。



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