首页> 外文期刊>Revista ciencia agronomica >Anatomia foliar e potencial hídrico na tolerancia de cultivares de café ao estresse hídrico

Anatomia foliar e potencial hídrico na tolerancia de cultivares de café ao estresse hídrico




Coffee yield has a great importance to the international market with a 120 million 60-kilogram bags and in Brazil it produces 10 million of direct and indirect jobs. Water stress is one of the most important factors to the crop yield, and so, the selection of tolerant cultivars is of great importance in the places under water stress. In this work, 15 Coffea arabica cultivars were evaluated about the water status and leaf anatomy to indicate the most tolerant Cultivars under water stress. The Bourbon Amarelo and Catimor were the most efficient under water stress, because these varieties have thicker cuticle, more palicade parenchyma, bigger central bundle sheath, and higher stomatal density. So, these Cultivars can be more potentially more efficient to reduce the transpiratory rate, to improve the photosynthesis and photosynthates translocation under water stress, and these varieties can be more indicated under water stress against the other cultivars.
机译:咖啡产量为1.2亿公斤60公斤袋,对国际市场非常重要,在巴西,咖啡产量可直接或间接产生1000万个工作岗位。水分胁迫是影响作物产量的最重要因素之一,因此,在水分胁迫地区选择耐性品种非常重要。在这项工作中,评估了15个阿拉伯咖啡品种的水分状况和叶片解剖结构,以表明在水分胁迫下最能耐受的品种。在水分胁迫下,Bourbon Amarelo和Catimor效率最高,因为这些品种的角质层更厚,柱状薄壁组织更多,中央束鞘更大,气孔密度更高。因此,这些品种在水分胁迫下可以更有效地降低蒸腾速率,改善光合作用和光合产物的转运,而这些品种在水分胁迫下相对于其他品种更具适应性。



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