首页> 外文期刊>Revista GEPEC >Efeitos das Queimadas sobre o Bem-Estar das Famílias no Tocantins: Uma Aplica??o do Método de Avalia??o Contingente

Efeitos das Queimadas sobre o Bem-Estar das Famílias no Tocantins: Uma Aplica??o do Método de Avalia??o Contingente




Land burnings contribute negatively to human health mainly due to air pollution. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to estimate the tocantinense society willingness to pay for improvement of the air quality. This article applies the valuation Contingent Method to evaluate caused by land burning. Logit model was used and the Turnbull Estimator for calculating the average willingness to pay. The mean willingness to pay for the air quality improvement using the logit Model was R$ 15,21 and, using the Turnbull’s Estimator it was R$ 14,12 both without protest votes . As for the explanatory variables used in this model were family income, age and education. So the benefits achieved with the society’s willingness to pay and with the reduced expenses to treat respiratory diseases evidence the social and economic viability for the land burning control project implementation.



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