首页> 外文期刊>Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem >Patient safety culture at neonatal intensive care units: perspectives of the nursing and medical team

Patient safety culture at neonatal intensive care units: perspectives of the nursing and medical team




OBJECTIVE: to verify the assessment of the patient safety culture according to the function and length of experience of the nursing and medical teams at Neonatal Intensive Care Units.METHOD: quantitative survey undertaken at four Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Florianópolis, Brazil. The sample totaled 141 subjects. The data were collected between February and April 2013 through the application of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. For analysis, the Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-Square tests and Cronbach's Alpha coefficient were used. Approval for the research project was obtained from the Ethics Committee, CAAE: 05274612.7.0000.0121.RESULTS: differences in the number of positive answers to the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, the safety grade and the number of reported events were found according to the professional characteristics. A significant association was found between a shorter Length of work at the hospital and Length of work at the unit and a larger number of positive answers; longer length of experience in the profession represented higher grades and less reported events. The physicians and nursing technicians assessed the patient safety culture more positively. Cronbach's alpha demonstrated the reliability of the instrument.CONCLUSION: the differences found reveal a possible relation between the assessment of the safety culture and the subjects' professional characteristics at the Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
机译:目的:根据新生儿重症监护病房护理和医疗团队的职能和经验的长短,验证对患者安全文化的评估。方法:在巴西弗洛里亚诺波利斯的四个新生儿重症监护病房进行定量调查。样本共141位受试者。数据是通过应用《医院患者安全文化调查》在2013年2月至4月之间收集的。为了进行分析,使用了Kruskal-Wallis和卡方检验以及Cronbach的Alpha系数。该研究项目的批准获得了美国道德与道德委员会道德委员会的批准:05274612.7.0000.0121。结果:根据《美国医院安全性患者文化调查》的肯定答案数量,安全等级和报告事件的数量存在差异。专业特色。医院的工作时间短和单位的工作时间短,与肯定答案的数量大之间存在显着相关性。较长的职业经验代表更高的等级和更少的事件报道。医师和护理技术人员更加积极地评估了患者的安全文化。 Cronbach的alpha值证明了该仪器的可靠性。结论:发现的差异表明新生儿重症监护病房的安全文化评估与受试者的专业特征之间可能存在关联。



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