首页> 外文期刊>Revista Eletrnica em Gesto, Educao e Tecnologia Ambiental >Polui??o atmosférica proveniente da queima de combustíveis derivados do petróleo em veículos automotores

Polui??o atmosférica proveniente da queima de combustíveis derivados do petróleo em veículos automotores




http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2236117010537 The pollution generated in large urban centers follows mainly from burning fossil fuels, basically gasoline and diesel, which are mineral?substances formed by carbon compounds from the decomposition of organic materials, what take millions of years. Therefore, they are?considered non-renewable resources. The fuel burning occurs incompletely when employed in heat engines and automotive vehicles, and?this process results in release of a large amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions, making these great villains regarding?to global warming and the greenhouse effect. It is worth noting that these fuels feed the industrial, electrical and transport of most world?economies. This work aims to raise issues related to air pollution from motor vehicles use.



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