首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia >Fratura da cabe?a do rádio associada a les?o do nervo interósseo posterior ☆

Fratura da cabe?a do rádio associada a les?o do nervo interósseo posterior ☆




Resumo As fraturas da cabe?a e do colo do rádio correspondem a 1,7% a 5,4% de todas as fraturas e 30% podem apresentar les?es associadas. Na literatura existem poucos casos descritos de fratura da cabe?a do rádio com les?o do nervo interósseo posterior. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de fratura da cabe?a do rádio associada a les?o do nervo interósseo posterior (NIP). Relato de caso Paciente masculino, 42 anos, procurou atendimento médico após queda de skate. Relatava dor e limita??o de movimento do cotovelo direito, bem como dificuldade de estender os dedos da m?o ipsilateral. Durante o exame físico, evidenciou‐se déficit de extens?o do polegar e dos dedos da m?o. A extens?o do punho apresentava um leve desvio radial. Após exames de imagem, ficou evidenciado que o paciente apresentava uma fratura da cabe?a do rádio tipo grau {III} de Mason. O paciente foi submetido à fixa??o da fratura; no primeiro dia do pós‐operatório notou‐se o retorno da extens?o do polegar e dos dedos da m?o. Apesar de rara, a les?o do ramo interósseo posterior pode estar associada a fraturas da cabe?a do rádio. No presente caso, acredita‐se que a neuropraxia se deu em decorrência do hematoma e do edema fraturário. Abstract Fractures of the radial head and radial neck correspond to 1.7 to 5.4% of all fractures and approximately 30% may present associated injuries. In the literature, there are few reports of radial head fracture with posterior interosseous nerve injury. This study aimed to report a case of radial head fracture associated with posterior interosseous nerve injury. Case report A male patient, aged 42 years, sought medical care after falling from a skateboard. The patient related pain and limitation of movement in the right elbow and difficulty to extend the fingers of the right hand. During physical examination, thumb and fingers extension deficit was observed. The wrist extension showed a slight radial deviation. After imaging, it became evident that the patient had a fracture of the radial head that was classified as grade {III} in the Mason classification. The patient underwent fracture fixation; at the first postoperative day, thumb and fingers extension was observed. Although rare, posterior interosseous nerve branch injury may be associated with radial head fractures. In the present case, the authors believe that neuropraxia occurred as a result of the fracture hematoma and edema.
机译:摘要the骨头部和颈部的骨折占所有骨折的1.7%至5.4%,其中30%可能伴有相关伤害。 radial骨头骨折伴骨间后神经损伤的文献报道很少。这项工作的目的是报告一例伴有骨间后神经损伤(PIN)的radial骨头骨折的病例。病例报告一名42岁的男性患者从滑板上摔下来后寻求医疗救治。他报告疼痛和右肘活动受限,以及伸同侧手的手指困难。身体检查期间,拇指和手指的伸展不足。腕部伸展有轻微的径向偏差。在影像学检查后,很明显该患者的梅森the骨类型为{III}。患者接受了骨折固定术;在术后的第一天,注意到拇指和手指伸展的恢复。虽然很少见,但对后骨间分支的损伤可能与the骨头的骨折有关。在本案中,据信神经性贫血是由血肿和骨折水肿引起的。摘要head骨头和radial骨颈骨折占所有骨折的1.7%至5.4%,约30%可能伴有相关伤害。在文献中,很少有reports骨头骨折伴骨间后神经损伤的报道。这项研究旨在报告一例伴有骨间后神经损伤的radial骨头骨折病例。病例报告一名42岁的男性患者从滑板上摔下来后寻求医疗服务。患者与疼痛和右肘运动受限以及伸右手手指的困难有关。身体检查期间,观察到拇指和手指伸展不足。腕部伸展显示出轻微的径向偏移。成像后,很明显该患者的head骨头骨折在梅森分级中被分类为{III}级。患者接受了骨折固定术;术后第一天,观察到拇指和手指伸展。骨后后神经分支损伤虽然很少见,但可能与radial骨头骨折有关。在目前的情况下,作者认为神经性疾病是由于骨折血肿和水肿引起的。



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