首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia >Tendências observadas em indicadores de extremos climáticos de temperatura e precipita??o no estado do Paraná

Tendências observadas em indicadores de extremos climáticos de temperatura e precipita??o no estado do Paraná




This paper analyzes the trends of climate extremes based on indicators calculated from daily observational temperature and precipitation data series during 35 years at 20 IAPAR meteorological stations,, in the State of Paraná. The objective is to contribute to assessing studies on climate impacts and vulnerability, required to develop adapting strategies to climate change. Initially, climatologic values of air temperature and precipitation in the State are revisited. With respect to trends in climate extremes, the results of the indicators associated with temperature indicate a widespread pattern of statistically significant warming in almost all Paraná State. The percentage of hot days and nights in the State increased significantly at a rate of 0.1 to 0.4 %/year between 1976 and 2010. The annual minimum and maximum average temperatures indicate an increase in almost all Paraná of +0.02°C/year over the same period. The minimum temperature indicators show more significant increasing trends than the maximum temperature does. Furthermore, most indicators of climate extremes associated with precipitation have no statistical significance, except for a few stations in different regions of the State. From these, only Pato Branco and Planalto, at southwestern Paraná show an elevation trend of the dry period (+0.25 mm/year), and Cambará, Ibipor? and Umuarama, in northern State show a reduction (-0.5 mm/year) of heavy rainfall.
机译:本文根据巴拉那州20个IAPAR气象站35年间每日观测温度和降水数据序列计算得出的指标,分析了极端气候的趋势。目的是为评估适应气候变化的战略所需的气候影响和脆弱性研究做出贡献。最初,重新考虑该州气温和降水的气候学值。关于极端气候的趋势,与温度有关的指标的结果表明,在几乎所有的巴拉那州,具有统计学意义的变暖现象普遍存在。在1976年至2010年之间,该州高温白天和夜晚的百分比以每年0.1%到0.4%的速度显着增加。每年的最低和最高平均温度表明,在整个巴拉那州,几乎所有温度都以+ 0.02°C /每年的速度增长。同一时期。最低温度指标显示出比最高温度更显着的上升趋势。此外,除该州不同地区的少数气象站外,大多数与降水有关的极端气候指标均无统计学意义。从中,只有帕拉纳西南部的Pato Branco和Planalto表现出干旱期(+0.25毫米/年)的上升趋势,而Cambará,Ibipor?北部州的Umuarama和Umuarama的降雨量减少了(-0.5毫米/年)。



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